[email protected]
About this tournament
Two rounds of 18 holes, TWO throw per hole per player.
Course layout:
Holes are generally between 60-180ft.
Ace race will go on rain or shine.
Rules will be..
2 rounds of 9 to make an 18 hole round
45 min lunch
2 rounds of 9 to make the 2nd 18 hole round
3 points for an ace
1 point for metal
Most aces gets the 2019 ace race champion disc
1st 2nd & 3rd in points get paid out !
You have the option of playing straight through back to back rounds an turning your score card in an leaving if you have to be somewhere. If you do so you will lose any tie breakers. I’ll meet you with any winnings locally as well.
We will play in the rain unless lighting strikes then we will come off the course an wait 30mins for an all clear. At any point during that 30mins If a lighting strike happens we reset the clock. If we spend more the an hour in delay we will call the tournament there an award prizes according to the least amount of holes played by a card to even it out across the board. This is not a perfect science as some will of played some easier or harder holes but it’s the best we can do to make it as fair as possible. So if your card played 15 holes an the low card played 10.. we would pick the first 10 holes on each card from all the groups an the point totals would be added up there.
Look forward to seeing everyone out there! Any questions post here or pm me!
Two rounds of 18 holes, TWO throw per hole per player.
Course layout:
Holes are generally between 60-180ft.
Ace race will go on rain or shine.
Rules will be..
2 rounds of 9 to make an 18 hole round
45 min lunch
2 rounds of 9 to make the 2nd 18 hole round
3 points for an ace
1 point for metal
Most aces gets the 2019 ace race champion disc
1st 2nd & 3rd in points get paid out !
You have the option of playing straight through back to back rounds an turning your score card in an leaving if you have to be somewhere. If you do so you will lose any tie breakers. I’ll meet you with any winnings locally as well.
We will play in the rain unless lighting strikes then we will come off the course an wait 30mins for an all clear. At any point during that 30mins If a lighting strike happens we reset the clock. If we spend more the an hour in delay we will call the tournament there an award prizes according to the least amount of holes played by a card to even it out across the board. This is not a perfect science as some will of played some easier or harder holes but it’s the best we can do to make it as fair as possible. So if your card played 15 holes an the low card played 10.. we would pick the first 10 holes on each card from all the groups an the point totals would be added up there.
Look forward to seeing everyone out there! Any questions post here or pm me!
Refund policy
Rec Rob is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Not refunds will be made after 15 days till the tournament. If you need to back out we will get you your pack or you can have someone pick it up for you.
Another option would be to sell your pack to someone else!
Another option would be to sell your pack to someone else!