303 Warm-Up at Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark

PDGA logoSaturday, May 1, 2021 at Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark in Fort Collins, Colorado
Amateur C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

303 Warm-Up at Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark graphic


Tournament DirectorKyle Maute
NADGT Comm DirectorKyle Harrigan

About this tournament

1 Round PDGA Tee Times C-Tier
Not headed to the DDO and looking for a Warm up round on the 2021 303 Open Layout? Amateur player wanting to see what the pros will play in just a few short weeks? Here is your chance!

$8 of every entry goes to course fee

Pro Divisions will be playing for PayPal cash payouts, with NO LESS than 85% payout


NADGT Single Event Divisions offered:
Age Protected Divisions offered:

Amateur Player's Pack
NADGT Tour Sponsor Disc (Manufacturers will Vary) and NADGT Mini

Planned divisional start order based on registrants:* order subject to change

Due to Format and assigned TeeTimes NO DAY OF WALK UPS ALLOWED

-Straight PDGA Points
Trophy Pins - Provided by Disc Golf Pins (Am Only)

Eligible divisions to receive invite to Nationals:
-MA1, MA40, MA50+,MA2,FA1, FA2, FA40+
MA3 (will receive MA2 invites)

Top Finishers Get invite to National Championships!
Invitations are based upon divisional participation
9 or less --> Winner only qualifies
10 or more Top 12% Qualify

Refund policy

National Amateur Disc Golf Tour is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
Refund requests made prior to player packs being ordered (approximately 2 weeks) will be issued a 100% refund less DGScene and PayPal Fees
Refund requests made after player packs being ordered (approximately 2 weeks) will be issued a 20% refund less DGScene and PayPal fees and there players pack will be shipped directly to their house.



Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/51732
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Jonah Karls5454
2Hank Kirwan5555
2Jacob Roley5555
2Jonathan Chavez5555
2Nick Hanson5555
6Liam Stott5656
7Sky Mantey5757
8Jaime Muro5858
8Tristan Lucerne5858
10Calvin Delamere5959
11Corey Block6060
12Jonathan Rumley6161
13Isaac Mangrum6262
13Joshua Matheison6262
13Justin Holmes6262
13Patrick N Reddick6262
17Jack Sullivan6464
18Derrick McKee7070
19J. Nate Hipp7171
20Joe Rosner7272
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Bryan DuBeck5757
2Jason L HEIMARK5858
3Adam Mondragon6161
4Bryan Luoma6464
4Jason Rosenbaum6464
6Jason McConnell6565
6Zach Meeker6565
8CHARGER Quinn6868
9Josh Grenz7171
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Rick Kapalko6262
2Zachary Callahan6666
3Steve Teel6767
4Alan Hartness7272
5Ken Stickley7373
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Sarah Winfrey8787
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Cory Sharp5555
2Russ Birdsall5858
3Geoff Hilt5959
4Heath Michael6060
4Josh Creedon6060
6Eric Naegele6161
6Michael Harris6161
8Bruce James6262
8Clay McGillvary6262
8Joshua Martin6262
11Justin Gill6363
11Kyle Harrigan6363
11Ryan Majors6363
14James Wiesbrock6464
14Landan Taylor6464
14Matt Benson6464
14Tyler Hempstead6464
18Chris Nordmann6565
18DJ Bartlett6565
18Vinny Fiacco6565
21John Reed6666
22Donovan David6767
23Andrew Wallace6868
23Cassidy DuBois6868
23David Healy6868
23Kyle Keeler6868
23Matt Watwood6868
23Max Abrahamson6868
29John Bommarito6969
29Ryan Meinkoth6969
31Adam Puretz7070
31Angelo Martinez7070
31Mike Colella7070
34Edward Wellman7171
35Nick Mueller7272
36Jesse Cardozo7474
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Lawrence Taylor5959
2ToeKnee Shoopman6262
3Robert Borger6363
4Nathan Lochner6565
5Derek Bricker6666
6Abbas Delagah6767
7Shawn Gould6969
8Barrett Golyer7373
9Brian Carver8787
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Ken Keene6464
2Keith Price6464
3Les White6767
4Scott Homstad6969
5Peter Holtgreive7070
6Cliff Jurgens7373
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Thomas Sautel6161
2Thomas Cox6363
3Josh Kolbaba6464
3Luke Gilliland6464
5Shane Varner6565
5Tavi Klar6565
7Landis Hooper6666
9Andrew Archuleta6767
9Dan Cole6767
11Gary Ward6868
11Isaac Kerns6868
11Kevin Stolpa6868
14Andrew Bzdok6969
14Joshua Parrish6969
14Kyle Turner6969
17Finley McIlwaine7070
17PD DEREK7070
19Denis Desloge7171
20Oscar Pena7272
20Trevor Dooley7272
22Kenese Io7575
23Joseph Dougherty7676
24Eric Lewis7979
25Derek Smith8282
26Benjamin McDaniel8383
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Nathan Silva6262
1Nic Lujan6262
3Poet .6363
4Maxwell Weber6868
5Chance Denbrook6969
5Eric Schmidt6969
7Josh Kreutzer7272
8Tim Banning7373
9Doug Banning7474
9Kevin Sakai7474
11Robert Metzger7575
12Jeremy Skelton7676
13Christopher Heist7777
13Peter Leslie7777
13Travis Chavez7777
16Greg Coleman7979
16Taylor Stevens7979
18Guilherme Paes9696
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Amanda Roley7373
2Christina White7777
2Lauren Johnson7777
4Emily Douglas8888
Round 1: Michelob Ultra DiscGolfPark - 303 Open Warm Up, 18 holes, par 61
1Alex Rosenbaum9090
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