2024 AB Junior Disc Golf Championship empowered by Gateway Disc Sports

PDGA logoSaturday, June 22, 2024 at Sylvan Lake DGC in Sylvan Lake, Alberta
Juniors C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

2024 AB Junior Disc Golf Championship empowered by Gateway Disc Sports graphic


Tournament DirectorEric Anderson
Assistant Tournament DirectorMik Woolf

About this tournament

2024 Alberta Junior Provincial Disc Golf Championship



Raccoon Lodge Motel in Sylvan Lake is offering a $20 / night discount to anyone booking in for Friday June 21 or Saturday June 22 participating in the 2024 AB JR Disc Golf Championship empowered by Gateway Disc Sports.

You can book directly with the motel by calling 403-887-5423, or emailing [email redacted].

The manager says they are a disc golfer and although it is an older, worn in spot they say they keep it clean and it's right on the water! They say it opened up under new ownership / management earlier this year.

Welcome to the 3rd annual Alberta Junior Provincial Disc Golf Championship. We welcome all juniors from across the province (and out of province!) to come challenge yourself and become Alberta's JUNIOR champion!

Congrats to Gavin Beamish on last year's win! Will there be a repeat champion or will we see a new champion crowned!?

See the 2023 video footage here:

Determining PDGA Playing Age:

A player's official PDGA Age is based on their year of birth, NOT their birthday. So whatever age they will be on their birthday during the calendar tour year is their PDGA age for that entire calendar tour year and determines their eligibility for age-based divisions.

If a 10 year old player will turn 11 at anytime during the calendar year, their PDGA age is 11 for that entire calendar year so they must play in a Junior ≤12 division (or higher).
So they could do MJ12, MJ15, MJ18.
They cannot do MJ06, MJ08, MJ10.
The 'M' means mixed, so any gender can sign up.
There are also the female divisions if one chooses those (e.g. FJ10).

As per PDGA rules anyone younger than 13 years must be chaperoned by an adult (PDGA Competition Manual...1.13 Youth Safety, Sec B.).

Although a two round tournament, in line with PDGA policy, participants age 10 or under can choose to play one round (PDGA Competition Manual...1.13 Youth Safety, Sec E.). HOWEVER, let us know ASAP if that is your preference (email: [email redacted]). As much as possible please try to complete at least one full 18 hole round, preferably round 1.

+ Most Improved Player Award +
2023 Most Improved player award went to James Gullacher! Congrats!
This award goes to the player showing the biggest percent improvement from the last year 2023 AB JR Championship scores. Basically, with some spreadsheet help, we turn the 2023 scores into a percentage grade (compared to par) and do the same on tournament day for 2024. The youth with the biggest gain when comparing the two will be the winner -- and they should, as they improved the most! Must have played all two rounds in 2023 and must play all two rounds in 2024.

+ 2023 AB JR Points Champion +
2022 Points Champion was Duncan Markie!
With 2023 all wrapped up, we will honor the 2023 Alberta JR PDGA points champion. The PDGA assigns points when playing in sanctioned events and they build up throughout the season. A high number of points means the person has played a lot of tournaments, played in more difficult tournaments, played in higher divisions or a combination.
The 2023 Points Champion is __________.

For more information on how PDGA points are accumulated - see here: https://www.pdga.com/points

Check out Sylvan lake https://visitsylvanlake.ca/

Thanks to our sponsors and supporters - please review the photos section.


$50 donation - name/business name mentioned on the DiscGolfScene registration page, social media and at the tournament.

$100 donation - the above, plus get a sign by tournament central.

$150+ donation - the above, plus a hole sponsor sign and may add promotional items to the player pack (e.g. sticker for your business, business card, coupon, magnet, etc)

CONTACT Eric at [email redacted]

Refund policy

Alberta Youth Disc Golf is responsible for all refund requests.


Sylvan Lake DGC
Sylvan Lake, AB   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/80251
Round 1: Sylvan Lake DGC - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 57
Round 2: Sylvan Lake DGC - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 57
1Nolan Litvak5254
2Gavin Beamish5758
2Ryker Culham5659
2Kai Sotnikow5461
5Nolan Terlesky6160
6Tyler Stannard5468
7Nigel Monteleone7776
8Logan Stannard8084
Round 1: Sylvan Lake DGC - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 57
Round 2: Sylvan Lake DGC - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 57
1Kieran Anderson5854
2Liam Litvak6360
3Callum Schroeder6468
4Cale Litvak8064
Round 1: Sylvan Lake DGC - Red tees, 1 holes, par 57
Round 2: Sylvan Lake DGC - Red tees, 1 holes, par 57
1Finley Buchan5762
2Owin Dirks6362
3Jake Wells7160
4Simon Monteleone9489
Round 1: Sylvan Lake DGC - Red tees, 1 holes, par 57
Round 2: Sylvan Lake DGC - Red tees, 1 holes, par 57
1Lucas Kuhn6162
2Oscar Daniels6764
3Noah Anderson6471
4James Gullacher7674
5Dylan Woolf120-
6Mason Woolf155-
Round 1: Sylvan Lake DGC - Red tees, 1 holes, par 57
Round 2: Sylvan Lake DGC - Red tees, 1 holes, par 57
1Annika Slumskie7878
2Emily Stannard109-
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