2016 Ice Bowl at The Pond, Recreation Park Painesville

Saturday, January 16, 2016 at Painesville Recreation Park in Painesville, Ohio
Disc golf singles tournament

2016 Ice Bowl at The Pond, Recreation Park Painesville graphic

About this tournament

Thanks All
We were able to reach our goal of 300 dollars and we raised 92 Lbs. of food. I will post the conformation when received from the Church!! Again thanks to all who braved not so great conditions!!!!This will be the first Ice Bowl at the new Painesville course and will replace the ones I have been holding at Osborne! We will still charge 2 cans of food and 20 dollar reg. which will include a 2016 full sized Ice Bowl stamped Disc!! Look for it to be the same Fun as always with a great side game or two and a Basket to be given away in a ring of fire! .The Food pantry we will donate to will be St. James Episcopal Church in Painesville Just getting the date reserved!! feel free to pre register any time by commenting here. This year we will have an A and B division with prizes to at least the first 4 places in each division!! Stay in touch for more info! Remember this is a benefit to feed the hungry and will be an official Ice Bowl!!.. AS OF 5pm sat the 12th of Dec. early entry will be closed and then all entries will include a stamped mini, thanks to all who early registered!! Plenty of room still, remember a extra 5 dollar donation to the cause gets you into all side games Ring of Fire (Innova Traveler basket) 2 ctps(25dollar JT's Diner gift card and Ice Bowl Towel) and 50/50 ace fund!! Disc are in if you want get with Mickey and if you prepay you can get first picks of entry disc!! 440 -655-9996 or I will have them at league Sundays!! some multi color stamps and a few cool colors.... get the one you want first!! 20 bucs and 2 cans of food. plus 5 bucs for all side games and 50/50 ace fund. When you turn in your 2 cans of food you will get 1 mulligan to use as you please. PLEASE remember this is for charity and you will be helping to feed the hungry!! After all expenses we hope to donate 300 bucs and a ton of food!


Final Results

Round 1: Painesville Recreation Park - Regular tees 2x, 18 holes, par 54
1Duane Koczan4848
2Dan Nelson5151
2Justin Pecek5151
4Larry Bright5252
4Rob Yaddi5252
6Bill Perry5353
6PK Deaner5353
8Eric Sharky Boyd5555
8Richard Roth5555
8Rollie Rush5555
11Bob Becker5858
Round 1: Painesville Recreation Park - Regular tees 2x, 18 holes, par 54
1Jon Gensel5454
1Ryan Paul Miller5454
3Dan Cogan5555
3Don Demoss5555
5Larry Rizzo5656
6Bill Ninja Savage5757
6Dave Hotchkiss5757
6Joe Michelini5757
6Michael Williams5757
6Neil Wilson5757
6Rob Hanratty5757
12Rick Falstreau6161
13Jarad Mc6262
14Mickey Anderson6363
15Greg Miller6666
16Michael Sean Barnes7070
17Aiden Gensel7575
18Dave Becker7777
19Paul Hach7979
20Drew Miller-0
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