Points Rally NCC - a Chicks Chasing Chains WGE 2021 Fundraiser Session   February 26, 2021 at 7:09pm

Rounds 1 & 2 Layout and Rules

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5B, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ,13 ,14, 15, 16, 17, 18

General Rules:
Players should consider all concrete, gravel, and fences as OB. In most cases, water will also be OB but, should this not be the case, the rules below will explain.
Hole 1 will play as a par four with OB on both right and left sides of the fairway. Road and beyond will play as OB on the left, while the water and beyond will play as OB on the right. Play from last in-bounds position.
Hole 2 will play as a par 3 with OB roadways on the left side of the fairway and long. Play from last in-bounds position.
Hole 3 will play as a par 3 with OB running on both the left and right sides of the fairway. The road and beyond will play as OB on the right, while the dirt path and beyond on the left will be OB. Please play from the last in-bounds position.
Hole 4 will play as a par 3 with OB all along the left side of the fairway. The dirt path from Hole 3 will be used as an OB line for Hole 4 until the line ends, in which case the area is safe. The children’s playground on the right of the tee-pad is also OB. The roadway behind the basket is also OB. Play from last in-bounds position.
Hole 5 will play as a par 3 island. If flagged or painted, those lines are the OB lines. If no lines present, the dirt line will function as OB line. Observe Mando tree on right. DZ if missed mando or drive does not land in-bounds.
Hole 5B will play as a par 3. All water and concrete (including road) is OB. If drive goes OB, proceed to DZ. Players have the option to skip regular tee and instead tee from DZ with penalty.
Hole 6 will play as a par 3. If drive does not make Double-Mando OR lands in road, proceed to DZ.
Hole 7 will play as a par 3.
Hole 8 will play as a par 3. If present, water in the ditch is casual. Please take up to 1 meter of relief away from the basket if necessary. The fence on the right of the fairway is OB, play from the last in-bounds position.
Hole 9 will play as a par 3 with OB water in front of the tee-pad. Should the player not cross over the water, player will re-tee. If a drive hits across the water and rolls back OB, play from last in-bounds position.
Hole 10 will play as a par 3 with no OB in play.
Hole 11 will play as a par 3 with an OB barbwire fence on the right side of the fairway. Players may take up to 2 meters of safety relief from barbed wire.
Hole 12 will play as a par 3 with no OB in play. In the case of the disc being surrounded by water, take up to 1 meter of casual relief.
Hole 13 will play as a par 3. Parking area left is OB. Play from last in-bounds position. Player may take up to 2 meters of safety relief from barbed wire. If Surrounded by water in retention area, water is casual.
Hole 14 will play as a par 4 with OB on the right side running length of the fairway, and OB on the left running the length of the gravel parking lot. If a throw goes OB on either side, play from the last in-bounds position.
Hole 15 will play as a par 3 with OB on the right side of the fairway. If a throw lands over the fence on the right, play from last in-bounds position.
Hole 16 will play as a par 3 with OB on the left side of the fairway. If a throw travels over the gravel road on the left of the fairway (17), play from last in-bounds position.
Hole 17 will play as a par 3 with OB short and long. If drive does not cross gravel road, player will retee. Throws that land in the parking lot are to be played from last in-bounds position.
Hole 18 will play as a par 4 with OB on the left and right sides of the fairway. The parking lot left and the water and beyond right will play as OB. Play from last in-bounds position. The road separating the fairway from the green will play as an OB river. The grass in between the sidewalk and the road is also OB.