Big Rapids Winter Dubs League

November '15 - May '16 • Big Rapids, Michigan
Doubles league

Ace pool

as of May 1
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Feb 21, 2016 · Top scores
Mecosta Township Hall
Regular tees, 9 holes
-6 21
Ryan Fitch
Jarrett Dore
-6 21
Foster Neill
Bryan Murphy
-5 22
Leonard Johnson
Dar Kelley
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 2/21/16

About this League

Doubles league - 15 all-time players - 0 active players
$3.00 player fee each session
$2.00 ace pool entry
This random doubles league will alternate between Northend Riverside Park and "The Heights" course at Mecosta Township Hall. Formal league play begins at NE on Sunday, Nov. 22nd. The $2.00 ace pool entry is optional each week $1.00 of which goes toward a cash 50/50 ctp paid out each week with the other $1.00 going toward the ace pool. Points will be earned each week through Sunday, March 6th with the top two points winners earning a berth to compete in the 2016 Michigan Disc Golf Championships.

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