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Kurt Claypoole April 15, 2016 at 8:47pm
Only two more weeks to register for the 2016 Vibram Birdie Bash at Grove City Memorial Park. Let me know if you wanna meet up and try out the discs before registering. Come join us as we raise funds for the course and get a load of extra prizes from great local sponsors.
Visit https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/Vibram_Birdie_Bash_at_Grove_City_DGC_2016 to register. Hope to see you there!
Mike "Draz" Chuirazzi August 27, 2016 at 3:40am
Registration will soon be closing for the Warren 2016 MVP Circuit (9/25/16). Players pack includes 3 discs and additional swag from MVP Disc Sports for $30 entry. There will be 2 rounds of singles play as well as mini games for additional prizes. Will have men's, women's, and juniors divisions. More players will mean bigger prize pools. With enough registered players the grand prize will include an MVP Black Hole Pro basket. Additional MVP apparel will be available to purchase during r ... more
Registration will soon be closing for the Warren 2016 MVP Circuit (9/25/16). Players pack includes 3 discs and additional swag from MVP Disc Sports for $30 entry. There will be 2 rounds of singles play as well as mini games for additional prizes. Will have men's, women's, and juniors divisions. More players will mean bigger prize pools. With enough registered players the grand prize will include an MVP Black Hole Pro basket. Additional MVP apparel will be available to purchase during registration. Registration will close September 7th. 35 player minimum for basket prize. Register @ http://www.dgscene.com/2016warrenmvp