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Saturday, August 26, 2023
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Vern Lepine 64 - WHITE - Peace Bridge Layout, 21 holes "Round 1 with cool guys Andrew and Chris on a very wet morning,all my towels were drenched in my bag,playing with wet disc was fun :) par65.We started on hole 7.)
Hole 19 ,is8a),(Hole 20,13a),(21,17a). (T 3rd)"-8
Vern Lepine 61 - BLUE - Peace Bridge Layout, 21 holes "Round 2 par67 starting on hole 2 on a windy afternoon with awesome guys Mike,Dylan and Alec,Hole 19 ,is8a),(Hole 20,13a),(21,17a) (2nd)."Thursday, September 15, 2022
Vern Lepine 57 - WHITE - Peace Bridge Layout, 21 holes "Warm up round for the Peace Bridge Highland Open. (19is 8a),(20 is 13a),(20 is 17a).Par 65."Friday, July 15, 2022
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Vern Lepine 68 - BLUE - Peace Bridge Layout, 21 holes "Round 1 started on hole 14.played with John Marty.par 68,We did not know the 2nd throw from the Circle green was ob if you land in the high grass on hole 19..2nd"+2
Vern Lepine 71 - BLUE - Peace Bridge Layout, 21 holes "Round 2 started on hole 12.Played with John and Marty. 3rd."Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Vern Lepine 65 - BLUE - Peace Bridge Layout, 21 holes "This day look like the best day to get our practice round in with the new changes to the course. Like the Island hole today with a good wind for me."Saturday, July 17, 2021
Patrick Treude 56 - Blue Tees (Re-designed), 20 holes "Round 1. Road trip to get away from the rain."Monday, May 24, 2021
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Patrick Treude 57 - Blue Tees (Re-designed), 20 holes "Round 3 of a road trip. I was consistent for he day."Saturday, July 27, 2019
Vern Lepine 63 - Blue Tees (Re-designed), 20 holes "Round 1 started on hole 14 with Reid and Michael."+7
Vern Lepine 68 - Blue Tees (Re-designed), 20 holes "Round 2 Bill and Michael started on hole 15 very very windy. witnessed Bills beautiful ace on hole one."Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Patrick Treude 55 - Blue Tees (Re-designed), 20 holes "Played the re-disigned course. Now 20 holes with holes A and B between the new 6 and 7. 11 of the original holes remain but most have new hole numbers except holes 3 and 4. I like some of the new holes like the new 5 and the new 17. Overall, the re-designed course has improved. I still enjoy playing this course but the challenges are still medium. I would suggest a full set of gold tees that would stretch the course to a championship level course."Saturday, July 28, 2018
Vern Lepine 50 - Regular tees, 18 holes "First round played with James,Burrows and Myall started on hole 8. played 20 holes mixed White and Blues with two extra holes A.3 B.3. and bunch of newer holes. A three way tie after round 1 Myself,Tim and Ried. wet and drizzle but cleared up then the wind came."+2
Vern Lepine 56 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Second round played with Tim ,Reid,John started on hole 8. Mixed whites and blues and 4 extra longer holes. Extra Holes A,3 B,3. Tim and i tied he parked hole one in the playoff. I couldn't lose to a nicer guy."Saturday, June 9, 2018
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Vern Lepine 47 - Regular tees, 18 holes "1st round started on #10 from shorts played with John,Allan,Mike and Rob great bunch of guys."+10
Vern Lepine 64 - Long Blues, 1 holes "2nd Round Started on #9 played from the Blues and extra 4 or 5 extra long holes. Played with John,Allen,Bob,Brian. and Mike. Played it safe, the last few holes for the win."