Pier Park Pro Shop
Est. 2009

Home courses

Portland, OR
Recent News
Jesse Randall
July 25, 2011 at 5:52am
pier park bag tag
2011 pier park bag tag is up and running! Just need your info, go to the site and it'll tell you what you need to do.
tim malone
July 12, 2011 at 9:56pm
hey folks we are now carring purediscgolf apparral as well as huklab!!!also dont forget byop doubles aug 7 at pier peace and have a great day!!!!
The Pier Park Proshop is coming to Salem!
Hey Capital City players. We'll be bringing the shop down to league night tomorrow, Monday 8/14.
We'll be there an hour or so before sign ups with Zenner's gourmet sausages, a full range of discs from Innova, and some gear from Huk Lab.
We're looking forward to meeting the crowd down there and bringing a broad selection of disc gear to your neighborhood.
See you tomorrow,
The Sausage Guy's apprentice.