Est. 2006 • We host a Statewide series of Match Play events from Sept. thru May for College and Club players.

Recent News
Leonard Johnson
February 13, 2009 at 3:14am
MIDGC #6 in Mt. Pleasant - February 22nd
Looks like Mike, Tom, Jared and Leonard are heading over to MtP from Big Rapids on Saturday the 21st. We plan on getting to the course in time to play the random draw doubles round at noon on Saturday.
The 6th event of the 3rd season of the MIDGC will be held Sunday at the MtP course. Registration takes place from 9 - 9:30. Minimum cost to play is $10 (which covers the match play doubles round in the morning and the match play singles play in the afternoon). College and Club players are all welcomed and encouraged to attend.
1st Newaglow Doubles Progressive to Follow MIDGC Finals
Looks like the Newaygo Course will be in just in time for the MIDGC Finals on May 16th. Plan on making a weekend of it. The course encircles the campsites. Following the awards ceremony for the MIDGC, Snyder's will be grilling up some brats for dinner! Once the sun goes down the plan is to host the first Newayglow Doubles Progressive. Politz has already committed to serve up Bell's Hopslam at his campsite. Oberon will be available at mine. Contact me asap if you'd like me to reser ... more
Looks like the Newaygo Course will be in just in time for the MIDGC Finals on May 16th. Plan on making a weekend of it. The course encircles the campsites. Following the awards ceremony for the MIDGC, Snyder's will be grilling up some brats for dinner! Once the sun goes down the plan is to host the first Newayglow Doubles Progressive. Politz has already committed to serve up Bell's Hopslam at his campsite. Oberon will be available at mine. Contact me asap if you'd like me to reserve on of the "choice" campsites just a short walk from one of the tee pads. Agree to have your campsite serve as a "pit stop" during the progressive glow round and provide a beverage to the glowers, and I'll pay for your camping!