Little Apple Disc Golf Club
Est. 2016

Club Staff

Home courses

Manhattan, KS

Manhattan, KS

Manhattan, KS
Recent News
Kevin RevKev Clark
March 28, 2017 at 4:47pm
LADGC Doubles TONIGHT at 5:45 at Fairmont Park
$4 to play, $1 for Ace Fund...
Kevin RevKev Clark
March 28, 2017 at 4:46pm
"Break The Chains" April 8th at Fairmont
Registration is now open for the 7th Annual LCM "Break The Chains" Disc Golf Tournament to be held Saturday, April 8th at Fairmont Park in Manhattan, KS. Free Custom Stamped Disc with first 50 paid entries.
Pre-Register now at
7th Annual LCM Ice Bowl Registration NOW OPEN
2018 LCM Ice Bowl will ONCE AGAIN be the last Saturday in February--February 24th at Fairmont Park in Manhattan. Registration is now open at