Floppy Discs
Est. 2014 • geeks who toss plastic

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Dan L.
May 22, 2014 at 7:32pm
What is this?
I am interested in the League and Tournament features of this website and just want to explore them. Having a club is a prerequisite so I went a head and made this. However I was realizing that I know a lot of people who work in tech that also play Disc Golf. So if we want this club to actually exist and live on as a place for "geeks who toss plastic" to commune then by all means LETS DO IT! Let me know what you think.
Hey guys, fellow disc golfer and geek here. I work up at Xactware, not far from Dry Creek. Count me in!
I originally created this club as a means for organizing events for my work place at IMFLash without it being directly affiliated. I've also used this club for other events I run each year.