Club Kensington

Est. 2008 • Out with the old, In with the new.

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Jeff Kaluk   May 5, 2010 at 9:53pm


Aces and ace pool
Club Kensington Resurrection states for their league and their league only:
50% of the Ace pool is awarded to a player or players who throw a 1 on a hole during League play. If two players hit the same round, then they divide the 50% payout of ace pool in half. All of the above would recieve an automatic 25pts to the MCPS and AACPS series and Leagues.
If a Cali player scores a 1 for a hole on his first throw, he gets a 1, 50% of ace pool and an automatic 25pts to the MC ... more


Jeff Kaluk   March 22, 2010 at 1:38pm

Our first year...

Well our first year as a club and league are over. Here are some fun facts:
Over 1600 rounds played.
Over $8000 in prise money paied out.
16 Aces paid out over $3000.
415 total players.
Most wins: Mark Ellis (10)
Most Aces: Jeff Kaluk (2)
Most CTP's: Lyle Downing
Most Beer Consumed: Dave Curry
Most "Im running late but will be there by noon": Aaron Birdsall

I want to thank our sponsers for this past year.
Holdens Party Store
also: Kensington Metro Pa ... more


Jeff Kaluk   March 22, 2010 at 1:24pm

Club Kensington Resurrection Summer Dubs 2010

We are excited for the Summer session to begin on April 4th.
8 MDGO State Berths will be handed out this session.
You must be a paid club member to be ellegable for a State berth.
Membership is $15. You will recieve a new Disc with you membership.
The first 5 in points after 20 weeks (2 weeks prior to the State Finals) will recieve a Berth and Berth
package. 2 Berths will be handed out on a random round to be announced later.
We are starting a CTP Challenge for a State Berth also. This ... more

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