Let's Glow at The PureLine Practice Nine

Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at Pureline Practice 9 in Pinellas Park, Florida
Disc golf event

About this tournament

Hello and welcome back to another fun event hosted by PureLine Disc Golf! Kastaplast has been known for having some of the best glow on the market and we couldn't be more excited to share some of their amazing products with you.

Do we have your attention yet? This will be a night centered around having fun, ace runs, and growing the culture one person at a time. New player? This is the perfect event for you to join in on the fun. If you played in one of our recent Space Race events and got to experience the fun we had, you definitely won't want to miss out on this one! As these holes will be setup under 150ft, YOU WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED TO THROW DISCS SPEED 6 OR SLOWER.

Being one of the largest Kastaplast retailers has allowed us this opportunity as we have over 1,000 Kastaplast glow discs to choose from including molds like the Berg, Gote, Svea, Stig, Kaxe, Jarn, with the Reko and Reko X being available in both K1 and K3 plastics.

You will choose TWO DIFFERENT Kastaplast Discs (different molds must be chosen) at check-in to use for the evening while bringing (1) disc of your choice (speed six or slower). You will throw three shots at each station and play the nine hole layout twice. Most points wins so be sure to bring your A-game if you want any chance at winning!

There will be a ring of fire at the end and a payout to the top three competitors. Top lady will get paid and if we get more than five ladies, I will payout at least two places. Dress up in any holiday attire and you will start the night with 5 points!

Points breakdown:

5pts- ACE

3pts- CHAINS



Refund policy

PureLine Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


Pureline Practice 9
Pinellas Park, FL   Get Directions
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