Gateway Disc Sports presents The Gateway Open

PDGA logoSat-Sun, May 17-18, 2014 at Jefferson Barracks Hist. Park in St. Louis (Mehlville), Missouri
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Gateway Disc Sports presents The Gateway Open graphic

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Jefferson Barracks Hist. Park
St. Louis (Mehlville), MO   Get Directions
Willmore Park
St. Louis, MO   Get Directions

Current Standings

PDGA results at
Round 1: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
1Justin Bunnell5351
2Bryan Johnson5354
3Tom Murdick5553
4Chris Gore5356
5Dominick Clark5860
Round 1: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
1Roger Reyes5456
2Jerry Barklage5854
3Gary Suarez5361
4Michael Ezell5858
5Jeff Junte5859
6Curtis Simmons6058
7Tim Sullivan6356
8Phillip River7061
Round 1: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
1Brantly Morgan5853
2Kyle Breuer5756
3Nic LaBanca5758
3Paul Rankin5758
5Allen Hooper5761
6Isaiah vaught6062
6Tim Kaltenbach6161
8Eric Fussell6261
9Nicolas Forbeck6664
Round 1: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
1Will Rosa5563
2Brad Walkenhorst6060
2Mike Reynolds6060
4John Morton7662
Round 1: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Willmore Park - Long Tees, 18 holes, par 59
1Ron Wallace7679
Round 1: Jefferson Barracks Hist. Park - Red Tees, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: Jefferson Barracks Hist. Park - Red Tees, 18 holes, par 56
1Matt Radtke6053
2Doug Lee-Sharpe5757
2James Osburn5757
4Ernie McGinnis5858
5Andrew Wallen6354
5Gary Pilkinghorne5859
7Adam Proffer6362
7Danny Leach6164
9Tyler D. Whitaker6462
Round 1: Jefferson Barracks Hist. Park - Red Tees, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: Jefferson Barracks Hist. Park - Red Tees, 18 holes, par 56
1Greg Van Horn5759
2Eric Johnson6261
3Michael Suchoza6463
4John Pearson6663
4Rory Hanlon6366
6Casper Fusco7165
7Quinn Parks7476
8Jesse Leong7578
9Kevin Kirkpatrick8086
Round 1: Jefferson Barracks Hist. Park - Red Tees, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: Jefferson Barracks Hist. Park - Red Tees, 18 holes, par 56
1Debbie Polkinghorne7775
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