Scott Sprow  › Haunting at the Hills   October 15, 2020 at 8:08pm

Player meeting video posted. Please take a few minutes to watch.

There will be no player meeting on event day. OB, digital scoring, and other important information will be provided at player check-in (which will take place at Prairie Pavilion, NOT the lodge. This pavilion is on the right JUST before you get the what many call the DG parking lot. Please park here and check-in as there is another event taking place over near that lodge. We will make sure to have some signage up for you. (it is also presented in the first few minutes of the player meeting.)

AM Player pack is a player credit towards merchandise (discs, clothing, etc), a glow mini, hand warmers, and glow stick for your bag/cart(for use during round 2).

Please message me if you have additional questions. Looking forward to a fun event and the Glow round at Rolling Hills.