Bob Johnson  › Otter Brook Open 2021   June 29, 2021 at 7:16pm

Ok folks, so here is the scoop. First. I oversold the tourney to start with 76. We were going to add ghost card or a tweener hole. So I am waiting for it to dip below 72 before I start adding from my wait list. "Why isn't there a public waitlist" you may ask. Well its one of those disc golf things. Some folks don't want there money tied up (and pay the fee ) so I decided to do it informally. So I do have a wait list, and we will be dipping into that pretty soon I expect. So if you have reached out to me, I will let you know as soon as I know. Otter Brook is playing great and this should be a fun day!

Timothy Veltsos   July 1, 2021 at 8:59pm

Is there a waitlist or how are you doing this?