Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer   June 25, 2010 at 2:08am


Mt P Saturday Doubles

Saturdays 6/26 at 12:00pm, Deerfield Park

Doubles league - 75 active players

Deerfield Park (Mt. Pleasant, MI)

Organized by Mt Pleasant Disc Golf

$6.00 per player each session
$1.00 ace pool

Ace Pool total is $232 as of June 15

18 Holes from the long tees - random flip for partners

Registration: 11:00-12:00p

Tee-Off: 12:00p sharp

This will be a great warm-up for the 7/3, 7/4 Mount Pleasant/JBird Open being held at Deerfield Park!

With the potential for more players this week, vying for those Double Points, you should anticipate slightly longer play time. Payout will take place back in the parking lot by 18's basket after the last card has been turned in. $1 from each entry goes towards the club for course cleanup and improvements.

If you have not been to the park before here are local directions:

From Mt. Pleasant; M-20 west 5 miles to just past Vandecar Rd. on the left. Follow the signs for Disc Golf Course and park near 18's basket.

Reminder – If you have not played this league before make sure you have your PDGA # or Email address you used for your Disc Golf Scene profile to help the League Admin add you and link your scores so those double points go to the right players. You must have a DGS profile to have your points show up in the MiCPS.

Current forecast:

Looks like Michigan summer weather - Great for DG!!!