Bob Cundiff  › Disc Over Deis sponsored by Dynamic Discs   Sticky June 25, 2020 at 12:29am

1. Check in at tournament central at the Rotary Shelter anytime after 8:30. Please keep socially distanced (Turn in or sign Covid waiver… pick up players pack disc…. Enter Ace pot and Ctp $5 total)
2. Top of the card please grab two scorecards for your group.
3. At completion of your round, compare scores and turn in the most legible card to official scorer.
4. You will have approximately one hour for lunch (Marnie will not be cooking) Early groups may have longer, last groups less
5. When returning from lunch, please continue to be conscious about social distancing
6. At conclusion of round two, turn in your scorecard. if you are in the money you can stick around until your division is complete. If you don’t feel comfortable or don’t want to wait, we will keep your voucher for a later date. Gloves will be provided for shopping if you like. We will pay out divisions as they finish and not wait for all to be done. Since this is a shotgun event, please practice social distancing until we do your divisions payout.
7. PLEASE…. At all times be aware of your surroundings and keep the social distancing models in mind.
8. In the event of lightning a horn will be sounded. Mark your lie and take shelter (do not finish the hole)
9. As always, players understand that risks are inevitable and participation is done at your own risk. Parks, city, pdga or event officials or others not named shall not be held responsible.