PDGC Virtual Big Money League 2020   June 10, 2020 at 12:24pm

Week 6 - Veterans DGC

Veterans DGC - 22 Hole Layout: 1-9, island hole, 10-16, A-C (around pond), 17 and 18 LONG. Normal OB and island rules apply. Concrete around pond is safe, inside pond if OB. PAR 70.

Tee off between 5:45pm-6pm.

Entry Fee (CASH ONLY) = $10 (mandatory for all players) $1 to club, $2 to ACE Fund and $7 to payouts. Paying out 40% of field.

ACE fund - If player hits an ACE, they must send me a text or facebook message with course, hole, time and witness names in order to receive payment of ACE fund.

Handicaps for all players who have played this year can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z0Hw-n2TVHHvHCZWkZ4ang1aTZOHVD0gNWHYpe27BZs/edit#gid=1921277273

Players will establish handicaps after one round at each course. Handicaps will be 80% of a player's difference from par.

Send picture or screenshot of card to me after round on facebook messenger or text to 216-832-9462.