Dan Davis  › SCDGA Friday Night Doubles   August 8, 2015 at 6:27am

Week 17 is up on the leader board, 25 players this week with 3 new league members bringing the total to 93 different players so far this year that have stopped by to enjoy Friday night doubles. With $547 paid out so far this year Dave Bussey hits the largest Ace fund of the year $216, which is also the 5th ace this year so far during league play, the scores are Steve Cain and Ray Engel throwing 46 taking home $50, 2nd place with a 48 is Travis Goldsworthy and Jarvis Fentress $30, and after a ctp throw off for 3rd Dan Davis throws a 49 $20, I still can't believe the beautiful weather we have had through 17 weeks of doubles. The SCDGA thanks you all for your participation!