Osborne 2014-15 Iceberg Sundays   November 17, 2014 at 12:08am

Week Two

Well snow cover and 30's did not keep 8 from coming out! Larry Bright shot a great 53 in the Winter conditions and also took the CTP on hole 2. Dan came in 2nd, with a 56 and holds the league lead in the points. Thank you all for showing up!! Do not forget to let me know if you want to be in the Ice Bowl. I need to get a count on those who might throw this year at The Blizzard at Oz 2015 Ice Bowl. Entry 20 bucks and 2 cans of food and includes a full sized stamped Ice Bowl Disc!!. Also remember to ask your companies and or friends if they would donate to the New Painesville course coming next May!! Thanks Mickey!!