Jeff Kaluk  › Club Kensington Resurrection Sunday Doubles   April 24, 2009 at 7:16am

I dont want anyone to say they did not know so, !!ATTENTION!! We are going to have to enforce a sign in cut off time due to the extreme number of players showing up at the last minute, even up to 15 minutes late. I want this to be a "player friendly" league, so if we continue to push back our start time for the few, the many suffer by having to stay until 4:30. The new cut off will be 11:45. No Exceptions, no call in's, no paying for someone who will "be here in 5 minutes". We will sign you up if you are in line prior to 11:45. Tell everyone you know who attends or would like to attend. Look on the players list and let everyone know that might not be on the "Scene" (they should be).