Washtenaw County Glow

March - October 2009 • Ann Arbor, Michigan
Doubles league

Overall Leaderboard · Scott White's stats

6 rounds recorded
$130 won
120 total points (12th overall)
· Scott White

Round history

-17 64
Bandemer Park
Red tees 3x, 27 holes
Partner Norm Raby
- no cash0 points6th place
-9 45
Bandemer Park
Blue tees and White tees, 18 holes
Partner Bob Smart
$50 cash22 points1st place
-12 42
Bandemer Park
White tees and red tees, 18 holes
Partner Nicole wills Birthdaygirl
$30 cash18 points2nd place
-14 40
Bandemer Park
Blue tees and Red tees, 18 holes
Partner Joe Arnet
$50 cash18 points1st place
 Hole 4$100 cash50 pointsAce Hole 4
-12 69
Bandemer Park
All tees, 27 holes
played Cali
- no cash6 points5th place
-12 69
Bandemer Park
All tees, 27 holes
Partner Rob Shaffer
- no cash6 points4th place
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