Give me the Loop

May - July 2021 • Appling, Georgia
PDGA-sanctioned singles league

Overall Leaderboard · David Buchanan's stats

4 rounds recorded

Round history

+23 86
International Disc Golf Center, WR Jackson Memorial
Give me the Loop: Jackson Loop/Warner Back-9, 18 holes
- no cash4th place
+12 75
International Disc Golf Center, Steady Ed Headrick Memorial
Give me the Loop: Steady Ed 50/50: 1-5, 15-18. Jackson: 1-6, 11-13 - S, 18 holes
- no cash4th place
+28 92
International Disc Golf Center, Steady Ed Headrick Memorial
Give me the Loop: Steady Ed 50/50: 1-5, 15-18. The Jim Warner: Front-9, 18 holes
- no cash5th place
+22 85
International Disc Golf Center, WR Jackson Memorial
Give me the Loop: Jackson Loop/Warner Back-9, 18 holes
- no cash6th place
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