Wednesday Night Lights   April 10, 2014 at 11:30am


Well. Wednesday Night Lights is over. Thanks to everyone that came out. It was fun.

WNL by the Numbers:

- The best score was a -17 (37) by James Beckner and Derek Meier.

- 7 teams in 21 weeks at the Goon shot in the 30's. James Beckner and Derek Meier were part of it 4 times. Of course, twice as partners.

- Average WNL winning score: 41

- The scores hit the most were: 39 and 40, four times each.

- Will Harrison and Jordan Thies partnered up twice. They won them both. And they did it back to back Wednesdays.

- Jordan Thies won again the week after for the 3-peat. He averaged a 42 in his 3 wins.

- James Beckner won back to back to back to back glow rounds. He averaged a 39 in his 4 wins.

- The average attendance was: 18

- Aces hit: 4; James Geffe, #6, $92. Mike Miles, #6, $122. Tay Harling, #6, $94. It's Tay. One ace isn't good enough. Tay Harling, #6, $42 (as of today).

- Final Top 3: Derek Meier - 186, Mike Miles - 183 and Joe Schacht - 175.

Thanks for coming out everybody! I'm guessing WCL won't be in next Wednesday. That's only a guess on how the course looked tonight. If the baskets get pulled we'll go up to Service High School. If not, we'll come back out. Be prepared for standing water. May 7th will be the first official 2014 Wednesday Night Dubs at….. where? KINNN_CAAAIID!!! I can smell the Yeti Dogs from here.