Ben Calhoun  › Lakeshore   July 5, 2011 at 8:55pm

Update: The course and shop are both 'Open' officially. The course isn't really playable today due to the Carnies still packing up and about 10 baskets need to be put back in the ground.

Damages: #7's white tee is broken again. Lost some limbs on #9. Large tree fell (storm damage) out of the woods on X but isn't in the way of anything for now. Lots of dead grass. Trash situation isn't nearly as bad as last year. I expect them to be gone by the end of the day today and the course fully re-installed by noon tomorrow.

Just now saw a trailer drive right over #1's White tee. Practically started swinging on some carnies had to ball my fists and take some deep breaths before I started yelling at them!