Pinecrest Flex 1 by
About this tournament
Earliest tee time is 9 AM.
Rounds must start before 3 PM.
Each card must have three people before teeing off.
We will only be using digital scoring via the PDGA app of PDGA LIVE.
AM Registration includes $20 voucher to Door Disc Golf.
Trophy will be awarded to each division winner (to be mailed after the event).
Financial Summary TBD
Rounds must start before 3 PM.
Each card must have three people before teeing off.
We will only be using digital scoring via the PDGA app of PDGA LIVE.
AM Registration includes $20 voucher to Door Disc Golf.
Trophy will be awarded to each division winner (to be mailed after the event).
Financial Summary TBD
Refund policy
Door Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Refunds will not be given on or after the day of tournament.