Brandon Bueter  › Anchorage Disc Golf Association   December 18, 2010 at 3:45am

Dale it appears as you don't exist, you have played no events in alaska in the past few years, you have never showed up to help with any of the work that needed to be done, so as far as the disc golf community you do not exist. You are trying to create a war against the people that are creating more opportunity and bettering the sport for you so that you can go out and play disc golf. So with that being said in the disc golf community you do not exist, or could be called "fictional". I must give credit where credit is due and say you are well written, however you are a terrible judge of character, as well as finding out the facts before opening your mouth and spewing that diarrhea out onto this forum. As much as people don't always agree with what John and Chuck have done or said in the past, look at what they have done with disc golf in Alaska. It is astounding at the accomplishments that have been made, now if that isn't the mark of a true leader than I sure as hell don't know what one is. The ADGA has gone from a little blip on the radar to a front and center organization, obtaining sponsorships and courses across the state growing the sport by leaps and bounds. If you have such a strong opinion of John and what he has done and will continue doing then why don't you come out and help, put some input into actions rather than sitting all tough behind your keyboard and trying to attack an individual who once again made it possible for you to continue enjoying the game of disc golf.

"Dale" as far as the disc golf community goes you do not exist. You are a fictional character that gathers with all of his buddies who probably do not exist either and throw those round frisbees in the woods and think that you are above the hard work that goes into making this sport of disc golf possible for you. And after working a full time job then putting 5 or 6 hours in a night at the courses to make tournaments and events happen I am sure John sleeps just fine at night.

So after all that "Dale" you do not "exist".