Oak Brook Random Draw Doubles - Winter 2012

January - March 2012 • Oak Brook, Illinois
Doubles league
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Mar 31, 2012 · Top scores
Central Park
Regular tees, w/ two temp holes, twice through, 22 holes
-9 57
Roger ?
Pat Barrett
-6 60
Tim Scheer
Anthony Noé
-6 60
Dan Retuerto
Tom A
Overall standings
1Mike Noé91
2James Cordes78
3Tim Scheer74
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 4/2/12

About this League

Doubles league - 59 all-time players - 0 active players
$7.00 player fee each session
This is a random draw doubles league that is open to all and costs $7 to play. $5 goes to the payout at the end of the round, $1 dollar goes to the ace fund and the other $1 goes to the Oak Brook Park District.

We play 2 rounds of at least 9 holes, sometimes add an extra basket or two.

This league is open to everyone. Come out and throw some plastic with us!

Twitter: @OakBrookLeagues
OakBrookDiscGolf on Youtube

League News

Derek McKenzie   January 4, 2012 at 6:47pm

High Ace and Temperatures

We are going to kick off 2012 with a Saturday in the 40s and an ace pot over $150! Hope to see you on Saturday, tee off at 10:00AM!

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