Disc Golf Drives at Shawnee, Plano

4.33   2 ratings
Still working on my form. I am working on trying to throw smoother, with my weight forward, and remember to follow through. For the most part I find using the birdie grip keeps my release straighter and gets me more spin, but I still have a lot of trouble aiming the disc ;)
Shawnee Park
Plano, TX, USA
Added by Charles King
Seth ThornberryAugust 22, 2010 at 4:32pm
Who's filming here?
Charles KingAugust 22, 2010 at 4:45pm
a bum that wanted half of my scone from starbucks... Actually it was Tim (from the softball team). He was playing for the first time so I told him I wouldn't post his video ;)
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