I've actually got this exact bag and might be willing to sell to pick up a larger bag. It's roughly 2 seasons old in very good condition.
Sounds great, Chris! How much you thinking?
Are you still set;ling this ?
Sold it, sorry!
i got 5 left of those i can trade or give it for free i dont really care
Wow!!! I'd love to grab a couple somehow. I am not sure what I have to trade. I have a used red Fossa bag in decent shape. That's about it.
I've actually got this exact bag and might be willing to sell to pick up a larger bag. It's roughly 2 seasons old in very good condition.
Sounds great, Chris! How much you thinking?
Are you still set;ling this ?
Sold it, sorry!
i got 5 left of those i can trade or give it for free i dont really care
Wow!!! I'd love to grab a couple somehow. I am not sure what I have to trade. I have a used red Fossa bag in decent shape. That's about it.