Trading for
nothing listed
Looking for lots of stuff, make an offer. Nothing more than speed 10 unless a shryke. No midranges except gator3 or caiman.
Pinnacle honeybee run rival
Glow champ valk (sick custom art)
Star valk
Fr icon aftermath
147g star destroyer
Swirly pinnacle cannon
Maybe 1-2 more
What’s the Color/condition on that Destroyer? I have a 158 Opto Explorer, 168 Z Heat, 175 DX Thunderbird, 160ish X wildcat and others if it’s a good color/condition.
Red, about 6.5-7/10 but still OS. What are the others?
Evo Spirit, Sparkle Z Force, D Hawk, Ill have to see if anything else is in my stack.
I want the rival! Are you more into Innova plastic??
166, blue, 7/10 (patent number sandstrom)
I want the glow Valkyrie and I have lots for trade