Randy Gallagher

Michigan, USA Righty - backhand

Randy's videos

Black & White Skins Burchfield
The skins event at Black & White was a pretty memorable one bringing in a large group of players and even having our first women's card. Burchfield wa...
Season 2 Skins @ Hammond Hill
The long awaited footage for Season 2 Skins from Hammond Hill is finally here. We have some great shots of a good time with the usual suspects. This v...
The Brennan Billow Show
This is a video that started as something to help show throwing form for Brennan Billow but as I reviewed all of the footage from the day and througho...
Black & White Ypsilanit League Day Highlights
League Day highlights. Crank that resolution and enjoy.
Black & White Disc Golf
This video was made from the collection of shots over the last year. I found the fun shots that we had and put them together to make a cool disc golf ...
Begg Park 11/19/11
First event of the second season. Black & White
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