David Whiteside
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+1 55 Sep 15 '15 |
Root River Parkway · Greendale, WI Regular tees, 18 holes |
+3 57 Sep 12 '15 |
Miniwaukan Park · Mukwonago, WI Long tees, 18 holes |
-4 50 Aug 29 '15 |
Miniwaukan Park · Mukwonago, WI Short tees, 18 holes |
Dan Gerick January 1, 2014 at 7:34am
What's all that green stuff on the ground in your profile picture?
jesse dixon November 27, 2013 at 4:34pm
last day to sign up for the cold turkey without getting a $10 late fee

yeah I'm good.I'm playing in a league on Sundays in the winter. Gonna wait till next year to play a tourney again. Gotta get my pdga number.

alright bro....gabble gabble..then!have a good holiday chief
Dan Sinkey May 29, 2013 at 4:06am
What's up haven't talked to you in a minute we should hang and hit up some baskets

goin to Dretzka today be out there at 9-9:30. my new cell # is 262-312-0416 call me if you can make it.
Dan Sinkey May 1, 2013 at 1:19am
Hey buddy, how's it flying haven't heard from you in a minute we should go hit a cool course soon

Yeah sounds cool. That would be an all day affair so I would need to know a week or so ahead but I'm up for it.
Dan Sinkey April 21, 2013 at 4:05pm
Hey going to grey fox today league is 1030 am playing after too

Would be great except gotta go to a family/birthday thing today at noon. Thanks for the invite. I played in the Birdie Bash yesterday too so I'm kinda wiped out.
David Whiteside April 6, 2013 at 1:35am
So went on a road trip just to hit some courses north of Oconomowoc. Played Ashippun to warm up and got wet feet but did ok. Next Horicon 9 holer and it was cool, play there again if I'm in the area. Finally got up to Beaver Dam and was a little disappointed with the length on the front nine although the elevation made it interesting. Back nine was the better part of it and made it an all and all enjoyable round. Next I'm hitting Zobel up in that area...

If I had known you where going that way I'd have told you to hit zobel

yeah that's too far to drive to play one course. I'm sick of driving, need to get a group of 4 guys and a mini van to travel. There's 4 courses up by Stevens Point that would be good to hit...

probably focus on playing tournies once a month. Monday league is ok I really don't care for Valley View.
David Whiteside March 30, 2013 at 1:59am
I love my Mamba!!
Dan Sinkey March 29, 2013 at 6:45pm
Guessing by your score Id say Anna page is kinda brutal makes me want to check it out

It's fairly tough. When you play without a guide it makes it that much harder. Next round I'll get more like a +7 or batter. Yeah we should take a trip down there and play both courses. I have off on Fridays now so next Friday or whatever we take a road trip.

I see Bird Ruins closed for the spring :( Gonna have to play more Gray Fox :)
Dan Sinkey March 27, 2013 at 6:30am
Congrats on that ace bro its trippy it was on the day of my first PDGA tourny like parallel mile stones

yeah it is parallel milestones i suppose, cool. It was a bit of a shock that it even went in after it shot out of tree branches but it came at a great time(league play). I'm getting into the Vibram Birdie Bash on 4/20 at VV, should be pretty fun. Looks like you did ok at the tourney, that's gotta be a tough 2 rounds though...

I signed up for two tournements in Michigan Flip city on 5-26 and Mason county park on 5-25 two really cool courses you can get in on it if you want so far it's me , Pete and my friend in Michigan , Josh who will meet us there
Dan Sinkey March 23, 2013 at 5:46pm
Thanks for invite , taking it easy today the fox always toasts me when snows involved and I want to be fresh for that monster I'll be competing on tommarow so I'm gonna practice at the vally ( short game is what I need to work on and that way I won't be fatigued )

no that was his first time and really digs it. We played with this Alex dude that lives around there so it's his home course. He's a real good player and gave me more good tips as well a a champion Mamba he doesn't use. This thing flips real nice for me. I have 15 discs now so next is a new bag.

Alex Nadelhoffer is a good guy . . . and I am not stalking you two. . . just following up on the only two people I know who use disc golf scene as communication . . . I suppose it has something to do with Dan not wanting to use Facebook. Dan, I will say this . . . if all you did was accept facebook ... more
Dan Sinkey March 18, 2013 at 4:03am
It was killer to see you hit a couple 300 foot drives with that arcon some dead on up shots too
David Whiteside March 15, 2013 at 1:35am
Played Grey Fox today and it's in real good condition for this time of year. Pads are all cleared off and only hole 5 has ice around the pin. I love this course it just has such a fun layout. Made a 40 foot shot on hole 3 and landed my tee shot on 13 under the basket (Great hole to play). I'd play this everyday if I lived closer....

i still want to check this course out really bad. you made it sound like a lot of fun
Dan Gerick March 9, 2013 at 11:10am
Hey man. Congrats on playing through that deep Miniwaukin situation. Haha. Ever since I lost my vulcan I've been chicken of the deep stuff. I've been throwing lots of snakey forehands with my stingray in parking lots. I also picked up a 147g archangel. I've been crushing practice drives at lightpoles with it. This is one of the few discs I prefer in a lighter weight

Outstanding round! A birdie on 9? You madman, I'm no longer worthy lol.

I don't think I could do it on a windy day. Haha. All my discs are 170+ and that was with a 147. We'll see though. Are you done with league for now?

two more weeks of leagues. Mike is doing a Monday night league at Valley View this spring which I'll probably play. Yeah we should really get down to Grey Fox one of these weekends. Sunday I'll stop out at Mini around 1 pm you should come out and we can get 18 done.
Dan Sinkey March 8, 2013 at 8:10am
Broke my phone lost all numbers got another phone same number
Dan Sinkey March 6, 2013 at 2:33am
Happy b day and I'd love to hit fox river on your birthday . What time we meeting up? You never played Parkside so I'd love to go with on that. one ( Easyer with guide first time there are two courses there one 18 one 21 hole both are great courses have to see about energy after fox river I haven't been to the other one you mentioned but I know it's a haul from my place but count me in for fox river for sure got to get you a birthday pr too

I yeah sunny 36 : zero wind , how's that for weather on march 8 !!
Dan Sinkey March 4, 2013 at 6:59am
Little green star on the profile must have done something right yust wait till there's no more knee deep snow and you can actually get proper footing
Dan Gerick March 3, 2013 at 1:36am
Mannnnn. Valley view is deep and packy today. I shot a +5 and lost my vulcan on the second hole after the foot bridge. Haha. Not a good day for me. On the plus side my archangel and groove have been killing it. I think with my recent losses I might have to pick up a Valkyrie and another Wraith.

yeah the Valkyrie is the best disc I drive with right now. You should get one... Had a good round at Mini my drives were pretty much dead on..Missed hole in ones by inches a couple of times. Hope Dretzka is a bit stomped down tomorrow.

I'm gonna go play mini today. I noticed you kill it with your valk, so i figured i might as well look into one. good luck at dretzka!
Dan Sinkey February 27, 2013 at 2:22am
Todays conditions are great for throwing your Vulcan into open head wind really hard to try to glide on top of wind fore 50 more feet the hard fade stability is what will keep it on line and from getting blown to hell

I did use the Vulcan into the wind and yes that's what it's in my bag for at this point, fur shure.

Cool , unfortunately that will change and by fall you'll turn that thing over then you'll start throwing boss or something else in wind but for now !!
Dan Gerick February 26, 2013 at 7:35pm
Yesterday before work there was almost no wind at all at Miniwaukin. I threw my archangel on a REALLY high hyzer for hole 9 (and fell again after I launched it. Typical) and it wrapped around the right oak and drifted past the basket about the distance of 30 feet. Of course I missed the putt and got it in three. But I almost had a hole record for myself. I really hope I can start getting these distances consistently. My putts have been bad lately and despite five birdies I still finished +2. I'm gonna see what happens to my score in this wind today. I need to get back in my -3/2/1 range.

Anyway, I just finished my game. It was SO WINDY. I stopped myself from shooting normal long putt attempts just tried landing by the pin. First three holes I was over 1. Then I made two birdies before hole 9. Par'd hole 9 again luckily. And shot par the rest of the course. Low risk shots let me finish -2 and I'm pretty happy with myself for the conditions

***shot for par. I made a up the rest of my score with some wind assist birdies

That's called playing the wind and you should practice it whenever you can someday you'll have to play a tournement in it
Dan Sinkey February 26, 2013 at 3:29am
So I shot a 56 to too today ( vally view ) you know the hole I got 5 on ( hole 5 first wooded short hole ) same thing happened I'd have been + 4 if it wasn't for 2 birds yesterday at Dretzka I was +5 and Pete hits 16 birdies only one biggie dude was retarded good no stopping him

Can't let Pete's abilitys do that to you hes been throwing 8years before that he was on his way to being a tennis pro

i know I'm just kidding around. Actually I'm not intimadate out on the course I just shoot me best and it is what it is...

Yeah you gotta play the course not the card your on or some one else's throw I think being a lefty helps me emulate that idea nobody's trying to match my shot unless they are leftys to and then it's almost kindred

174g - used
Anny fairway shit
160g - used
Stuff you can't achieve with any other brand...son
175g - used
Long Kick Ass anhyzer or hyz flip magic
156g - used
160g - used
Anny and hyzer flip up shot aces
155g - used
Low canopy skip shots
168g - new
blowing people's minds
175g - used
Straight tunnel shots
156g - used
176g - used
rattling chains
170g - used
Hyzer shit
175g - used
something we will not see for another 2-3 months I'm afraid unless we road trip south.
reality is a bitch. :(