Regarding the link below on the city willing to fund improvements for Brys Disc Golf Park: I received an email about a meeting that is upcoming from the Parks, Programs & Athletics Manager Tom Mehl. On the meeting November 1st, Tom expressed that he was the 'go to' guy at the park when it comes things like wood chips, fixing broken baskets, etc... He seemed to have a genuine concern in helping us make the course better. I'm willing to be a liaison for the disc golf community with these guys, but would appreciate some input from people who are more experienced in this type of thing. It should be noted that no one except Eric Scott was there to meet with these guys when they showed at 5:00 that day - and thank you Bird! If you want to provide ideas that I can convey on this thread, I'd be glad to show them to these people. Here is Tom's email:
The Parks & Recreation Department is in the process of updating and registering our 5 year master plan with the State of Michigan. Part of the process is meeting with key people from our groups to gather information of their needs and wants for the future of recreation in our city. Our grant writers from ECT will be meeting with 8 groups made up of approximately 5 to 8 people representing all the different organizations that participate in parks and recreation. We are asking you or a representative from your group to attend our meeting on Tuesday, December 5th from 5:45pm to 6:45pm at the Parks & Recreation Sr. Center. Please let us know if you or another representative from your group can attend.
Thank you,
Thomas G. Mehl
City of St. Clair Shores
Parks, Programs, & Athletics Manager"
Again, if you want to contribute to the future and improvements to the only damn park on the eastside, please express your ideas here. Thanks!!
I was ill the first time. I will 100% be there for this one.
About 6 more permanent trash/recycle cans are badly needed. They seem to move and/or disappear throughout the season. I’d recommend local businesses to advertise in them to help fund them or even have some local artists come and decorate them to add to the existing art from the DIA.
Great idea.
This will be suggested, Nick. Actually, the trash cans were brought up at the last meeting, but not the advertising. Thanks!