DGLA: Oregon Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2014   April 28, 2014 at 11:14pm

DGLA OrCPS-S: Key dates & Info such as HLW - Double Points!!!!

DGLA: Oregon Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2014

16 week State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series
Sunday April 6th 2014 - Saturday July 26th 2014

Important Deadlines:
*** May 3rd - Last day to add any leagues to the Oregon Cooperative Point Series.
*** May 14th - Last day for leagues to submit their desired Highlighted League of the Week (HLW) - Double Points - round.
May 15th - The remaining league HLW dates will be assigned randomly.

June and July:
HLW will be shown on the schedule - Highlighted in light Green and "Double Points!" to the right.

July 26th - Last round of the Point Series. Leagues have one week to post recent rounds or make any corrections to previous rounds posted. Then the Champion will be announced.

If you play in a league that is not in the OrCPS send me the link to the league About page to see if it can be added. Even leagues that have not started but will have rounds before July 26th can join as long as the league is already posted. All leagues must be added by May 3rd. Handicapped leagues must post adjusted scores to be included.

Currently 15 Leagues & 102 Players have already played in participating Leagues.

If you played a league round and do not see the round in your DGLA OrCPS stats: 1) Check the league to see if that round has been posted.
2) If it is posted ensure you are linked to the league properly (Check you profile to see if the round shows on your About page or Stats page)
3) Send me a link to the league leaderboard and tell me which date and I will investigate.

I have had a few question about points calculations and "Dropped" rounds.

Point Calculation Summary - The standard calculation is 2 points for participation, 1 point for each player you beat (ties do not count as beat) and 2 points if you are the outright winner (no tie for first). Now for leagues less than 20 players. The points are awarded from the top down, so even a league with 4 players the winner gets points as if there was 20 and then it counts down. More than 60 players the points are capped at 60. HLW use the same formula but double the result.
Aces count for 25 pts. not double during HLW.

"Dropped" Rounds:
If you see "Dropped" next to a round on your DGLA OrCPS Stats page this means you played more than 2 rounds in that week and this was not one of your two highest scores and so it was dropped. It still counts towards # of Leagues & Rounds leaderboards.

More details here:

Top Twenty currently

Overall standings
Player Points
1 Rick Saffeels 104
2 L Bledsoe 99
3 - scottishrob - 97
4 john cooper 95
5 marshall d 82
6 Ira B 81
8 Dennis "Swami" Swanson 76
8 Dallas Trower 76
10 Rich ayers 68
11 Daneger Jones 61
12 Erik "Easy E" Etherton 57
13 Josh"bang chains" Bullock 55
14 Steven Winslow 54
15 Steven Egler 53
17 Paul Petitt 51
19 Terry Shuler 48
20 Jonathan Long 46

The Oregon Cooperative Point Series - OrCPS - brings individual leagues,clubs & players together to help promote and grow Disc Golf Leagues. We hope you enjoy the Point Series and enjoy the low cost - FREE!!! Show your support and become a DGLA member for FREE, currently. Secure your low lifetime Membership number now. Have a voice in the future of the Point Series and help make a difference just by participating. Thanks!
Maybe a few more April showers before the May flowers. Enjoy the warming temperatures and the rapidly changing Spring fairways, Mother natures is your training coach. As you knock off the winter rust and get your drives back she will narrow the fairways and throw you some new challenges from time to time. The key, play often, in all weather conditions so you know how this changes effect your game and how best to be prepared for all situations. Mother nature does some amazing things - make sure you take time to take them in and help keep the trash out and keep our courses beautiful.
- Enjoy the Spring Rounds.