DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2012/13   January 7, 2013 at 11:44pm

DGLA: MiCPS-Winter 2013 - 01/07 News & FAQ

OK the first week of the New Year has come to and end and the weekly stats leaderboards will be official after tomorrow when it locks. The monthly and weekly leader boards lock three days after their end date. If leagues post results after that they show up in the main leaderboard for overall standing but not in the Monthly and Weekly stats if posted after it locked.

At least one league has received Double points for playing a round at 15 degrees or cooler (Flip Side Doubles Thursday, January 3rd @ 2:30pm Independence Lake County Park Whitmore Lake, MI.)

If you believe your league should get double points for a round post in the Talk section with league Name, Date, Time.

A quick update, DGLA membership is now at 86 total members - only 14 spots left to be a Founding Members, first 100 members.

Free DGLA membership:

Upgrade to Player level by using PayPal from the DGLA member profile page or contact Foz directly.

Total Members: 86
Total Player Members: 14
Total Free Members: 71

More time critical, for the MiCPS-W this year there is only 8 days left to upgrade to Player level member and compete for the MDGO berths and awards based on your standing on the DGLA Player leaderboard and get the MiCPS-Summer 2013 session at no additional cost. Player Members for the Winter series lock on Jan 15th. Yes you are automatically in the summer point series, competing for berths and more awards at no additional cost. Awards and Berths for the MiCPS-W will be awarded a week after the end of the MiCPS-W (March 16th 2013).


There are currently 14 Player level members (one has yet to play a winter round and so does not show up on the Leaderboards).

Thanks for your support of DGLA, The Michigan Cooperative Point Series (MiCPS) and the DGLA's Michigan Course Improvement Grant program.

If you have any questions or comments let us know. Enjoy the rounds!