It was amazing having you're company today on the course I really had a blast showing you the place as for you as a player I really think your expertise as a ball golfer benefits your disc game a lot (mind set ,patience,not getting rattled ,staying within ability ) this is what transformed your scores hole to hole from 5s. To 4s to 3s that's in 36 holes of play the last 18 being around par av. It's a page from your play book I'll be referencing (mental game !! ) as for discs you should try : roadrunner : leapord and sidewinder and for mids roc
Right on..Yeah it was really fun hanging out and an enjoyable round. Give me a couple more rounds and I'll be driving 250-300.Thanks again for letting me use these discs, it'll help.I'll check out those other discs too. Next round Fox River for sure.