Tully Disc Golf Club   October 6, 2009 at 7:53pm

Tully Committee

Recent events have uncovered the need of a "Committee" to be formed. Hopefully, this will be the best way to continue our efforts towards club/course improvement.
It really isn't fair to have all the decisions be made by one person and to have that one person take all the blame from the few people in the group that may be unhappy with that final decision. Therefore, I suggest we submit names to be a part of an active committee headed by a president. This way issues of any kind can be brought to the attention of a committee member, who could bring this issue to the president, who could then bring this issue to the rest of the committee to vote and resolve the issue as a group.
If you have nominations for such a committee please submit a list of names, 10 or less, to myself or Bill Mehr and we will ask the most popular nominees to be apart of this.