2011-2012 Flint Hills Bag Tag League   July 6, 2011 at 5:47pm

Warner Wedneday Severe Weather Rules

With today's weather forecast in mind, please remember the Warner Wednesday Severe Weather rules.

If a Severe Weather Alert (thunderstorm or tornado only) is issued for 5:30 in Riley and/or Geary counties, the following will apply.
• WATCH Alert: Only 9 holes will be played.
• WARNING Alert: League will be CANCELED!

If a Watch is issued WHILE WE ARE PLAYING, each player can leave when they want with their tag (no questions asked).

If a Warning is issued WHILE WE ARE PLAYING, the league will be canceled immediately.

If it is ONLY raining, we will still have a league round. The number of holes to play will be decided by the players present at the start of league play.
