July 26, 2010 at 2:46pm

re: stolen basket at Blizzard Hills

SO many stepped up to the plate to get Blizzard Hills a new basket, many thanks to all including the Pinconning businesses, Saginaw Valley Chain Smokers and Chippewa Banks DGC. I had some thoughts about the reward offered and yes, we would be VERY THRILLED to find the basket and help put a stop to the destruction and theft occurring at many of the disc golf courses around the country, but to reward anyone that supplies the info will have to be withdrawn. My feeling is that if someone comes forth with info, they probably have known of and may have even been a part of the theft and I'll be tied to a basket and pebbled with discs before I reward someone that may have been able to prevent or give us a heads up on the possibility. After all, the fact is that without a doubt our basket was taken by a player that comes to Blizzard Hills, probably a player that I've greeted, thanked and invited back to play the course we've worked so hard on.

So what I propose to the thief or anyone that knows of and can supply any info, do so with NO QUESTIONS ASKED when the basket is returned. Any reward will come in the form of disc golf karma. And I should remind those that work hard for the negative disc golf karma, it's severe. Your game will go to hell, you'll be loosing a bunch of new discs and I wouldn't be surprised if someone was to steal your bag of treasured discs direct from your car or home. Wouldn't that be sad to loose all of your prized plastic ? and to the thief that took the "WELCOME DISC GOLFERS" banner off of the front of the bar, you not only have bad disc golf karma coming your way but the owner Ward Prindle may just have a little voodoo doll with pins stuck in your throwing arm, have you been having any strange and unexpected pains while playing ?