May 6, 2010 at 12:00am

Double Points Night, 6:00pm Monday - May 10

Congratulations to Tom Swathort and Katrina Witucki for setting a record low score of 48, the best double to date since completing all 18 holes. Katrina also took the Closest to the Pin prize on hole #8 and also won a special prize for closest to the pin in a putting contest. As many of you know that participate at Monday night doubles at Blizzard Hills, we are part of the Michigan Cooperative Points Challenge. This is a challenge that includes MANY clubs that play doubles throughout Michigan. What this does is to provide you points per your finish, track those points and weekly take your two best finishes, adding them to your point accumulation. It's fun and it's free and the BIG NEWS is that weekly randomly picked leagues will be featured as the Highlighted League Of The Week (HLW) and Monday the 10th is Double Point Night at Blizzard Hills. I am hoping for a record turnout. See you all there to tee off at 6:00pm.


to read all about the Challenge.