Thanks. It's always a blast & great fun. Will be a lot of fun for me seeing all of my old buddies back in Ohio where I've played majority of my tourneys at the past 7 years. It's tough for the Pro's to repeat winning the BHMO back to back since the my buddies who are locals as well tend to get into the finals time to time as well. Then there's some young-guns constantly popping up to give 'em the run for their money. Dion Arlyn will be there & I've never watched him play. He's from Oregon too.
John Buck › Geremy Gieryna June 2, 2011 at 6:28am
Thanks. It's always a blast & great fun. Will be a lot of fun for me seeing all of my old buddies back in Ohio where I've played majority of my tourneys at the past 7 years. It's tough for the Pro's to repeat winning the BHMO back to back since the my buddies who are locals as well tend to get into the finals time to time as well. Then there's some young-guns constantly popping up to give 'em the run for their money. Dion Arlyn will be there & I've never watched him play. He's from Oregon too.