North Woods Disc Chucker’s Bag Tag Challenge Rules.
To end the year with the lowest bag tag possible by winning competitive matches.
Everyone is responsible for conducting themselves according to rules and within the spirit of friendly competition. The purpose of the Bag Tag Challenge is to have fun, and add another element to personal, league, and tournament rounds of disc golf.
Each participant must have their bag tags with them at all times of competition.
Bag tags must be plainly visible and cannot be hidden.
Side wagers are acceptable but not required.
All paid members as of May 5th will draw randomly from the numbers 1 through the number of paid members at that time. For example: if there are 15 paid members at that time then those members will draw randomly from tag numbers 1-15.
Members joining after May 5th will receive the next lowest numbered tag available.
To make it fair for everyone, we will be playing a handicap system Bag Tag Challenge.
Handicaps will be calculated from 2 singles rounds scores at Hickory Hills. You must have at least one other player present to verify your scores.
Pro level players do not need to play rounds to establish handicaps. They will begin the year as a zero handicap.
Handicaps will be adjusted throughout the year based on scores submitted from bag tag challenges.
Please submit your initial scores via NWDC Disc Golf Scene page, email them to [email redacted], or call Marc at (231) 632-2775
The Bag Tag Challenge will run from May 5th – Oct 5th
You must play in at least 6 challenges and against at least 4 different opponents throughout the challenge period.
The higher numbered bag tag challenges a lower number.
You can only challenge within 8 numbers of your number. For example: #10 tag can challenge #9- #2 tag but cannot challenge #1 tag.
The challenged player must give the challenger 2 times to meet within 2 weeks or they must forfeit their tag (unless for health or other unavoidable reasons.) If the challenger cannot meet that timeline, the challenge is void. Not showing up for a match results in a forfeit (20 minute leeway.)
In order for the Bag Tag Challenge to work, all reasonable challenges MUST BE ACCEPTED.
A reasonable challenge is any challenge made in person, by phone, or by computer that involves a single round of disc golf in singles format. If you decline a challenge under these guidelines unless due to unavoidable circumstances you must forfeit your bag tag to the challenger.
Challenges can be made for doubles or team formats, but must be agreed upon by both parties. It is acceptable to decline these challenges.
Challenges can be made for single shots, single holes, or anything else, but must be agreed upon by both parties. It is acceptable to decline these challenges.
Group challenges are ok as long as, all parties agree upon the terms. It is acceptable to decline group challenges.
Challenges can be made for multiple round events, but must be agreed upon by both parties. If you are challenged for a multiple round event you can decline the challenge, but must accept a single round challenge.
Once a challenge is agreed upon you must not play in another challenge until the foremost is fulfilled.
The challenged player picks the course and format (match or stroke play.)
You cannot play the same opponent twice in a row
If the challenger wins an accepted challenge then bag tags are exchanged.
All ties go to the lowest number bag tag holder unless, all parties agree upon a playoff.
PDGA rules are in effect.
If you lose your Bag Tag your number will be dropped. You can buy another for $5.00. You will be issued the lowest numbered tag available. E-mail [email redacted] or call Adam (231) 409-0493 for new tags.
Players participating in the Bag Tag Challenge must report the results of each challenge.
Reporting the results of a challenge is the responsibility of the winner.
The results can be reported on the NWDC Disc Golf Scene page, e-mailed to [email redacted], or called in to Marc Hamlin 231-632-2775.
The lowest numbered 3-5 bag tags (depending on the amount of participants) at the end of the year will be awarded prizes. Two more random drawn tags will also win prizes, as well as something “special†for the highest numbered tag.
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New #1
Matt Powers is now the #1 tag.