Course reviews

-13 votes
Redmon "aces" D
July 29, 2013
Gorgois holes but there prive and no course that's private should be called an a+ it's bull that the rating system can be high jacked like that only players how already are pre approved to play can even give a rating it's bs and an admin should fix this loophole

+0 votes
Dustin Humphrey
December 2, 2012
Sweet new vortex baskets! Great layout! Just need some work on some teepads.

+0 votes
Brian Rice
September 15, 2012
only thing that takes away from a perfect course is no pad's yet?? no maps yet?? and not a full 18 yet???? but when its done lol as of now i was overwhelmed its beutiful as it kicks you down the street lol love it

+0 votes
Chad Possehn
August 27, 2012
Beautiful course! It's short and moderately to heavily wooded, creating a very technical course. Plus, all baskets are "The Vortex" by Arroyo Disc Sports! They put Innova and Discraft baskets to shame.