Stumptown Disc Golf

Est. 2009 • Dedicated to growing the sport of disc golf in Portland, Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.

Club News

Cindy McMahan   March 31, 2013 at 5:56pm

Stumptown Meeting

Come join us for the Stumptown Club meeting Thursday April 11th 7pm at the Next Adventure Paddle Center located at 704 SE Washington Ave. Next Adventure will have pizza & beer or soda for all who attend. Don't forget to come early and stop by the store to shop with your club discount.

Club business will include: Upcoming events, The Stumptown Slosh Series, Tournament Updates, Course Updates, Volunteer opportunities and more.

Thanks again to Next Adventure for the pizza, beer, so ... more


Cindy McMahan   January 2, 2013 at 10:46pm

2013 Stumptown Membership

With the new year upon us now is a great time to renew or join Stumptown Disc Golf.

Membership in Stumptown Disc Golf helps support disc golf in the Portland Metro area, and beyond. Membership fees each year have helped develop new courses in Oregon & Southwest Washington such as Blue Lake, Stub Stewart, Leverich, Lower Columbia, and this year's Stumptown Slosh series will benefit yet another new course in development McCormick Park in St. Helens Oregon. Stumptown also supports wor ... more

Brandon Johnson   January 3, 2013 at 10:38am

how do we prove to next adventure/play it again that we are current???

Cindy McMahan   January 3, 2013 at 11:38am

We are going to provide a list and or link to a list of current members to our retail partners.

Cindy McMahan   January 3, 2013 at 12:40pm

Also if a member would like to print up a card that shows the current year they can do so from our website. Just click on the member number to your name, and a printable version of your member card will pop up.

Cindy McMahan   January 2, 2013 at 10:45pm

2013 Stumptown Membership

With the new year upon us now is a great time to renew or join Stumptown Disc Golf.

Membership in Stumptown Disc Golf helps support disc golf in the Portland Metro area, and beyond. Membership fees each year have helped develop new courses in Oregon & Southwest Washington such as Blue Lake, Stub Stewart, Leverich, Lower Columbia, and this year's Stumptown Slosh series will benefit yet another new course in development McCormick Park in St. Helens Oregon. Stumptown also supports wor ... more


Cindy McMahan   December 4, 2012 at 9:52am

Stumptown Christmas Party

It's that time of year again, time for the Stumptown Christmas Party for it's members & thier guests. This year Next Adventure will be hosting the party at the Next Adventure Paddle Center Friday December 14th at 7pm. There will be lots of Pizza courtesy of Stumptown Disc Golf, and beverages provided by Next Adventure. If everyone could bring a desert item to share that would be awesome.

Their will be some fun activities throughout the night with some fun prizes provided by Nex ... more


Cindy McMahan   November 2, 2012 at 8:23am

‎2012-2013 Stumptown Slosh Series

Hello Everyone,

Yes, that's right. it is Slosh time again! As many of you know, we used last years Slosh series as a fund raising effort towards the new baskets at Lunchtime, and we got an amazing response to that effort. The new baskets and a lot of hard work by Dan Brown & the entire DGOD crew have really made Lunchtime a considerably better course to get a round in on.

With that in mind, Stumptown has decided to run this winter's Slosh series as a fund raising effort for ... more

s n   December 14, 2012 at 12:41am

Is it to late to get into the intermediate division at timber this weekend 12/15/12?

Cindy McMahan   October 31, 2012 at 8:49am

Stumptown Membership Benefits

Hey everybody we are going to continue the SLOSH tradition and schedule 4 events for the winter time 2012-2013. All events will be PDGA sanctioned events at the C-tier level. Although you do not have to be a Stumptown member or PDGA member to participate its nice to know we have your support. If you are a PDGA member you can avoid the $10 non-member fee for each SLOSH event and any other PDGA event you plan to play in, 5 events covers the cost of membership for an amateur and 8 events covers the ... more


Cindy McMahan   October 16, 2012 at 9:42pm

Stub Stewart Work Party - This weekend!!!!

Hey Peoples!!!

Mike Phillips is scheduling a work party at 9:00am this Saturday (10/20/12) to clean up the trees that Ranger Steve is cutting down this week at Stub Stewart. Steve is cutting down 4 trees each on the fairways of holes 15 & 16. Because the trees that he is cutting are pretty large we really need to go in there and remove the wood he is bucking. We will have the use of the gators, wheelbarrows and the one ton. This is going to be the last organized work party at Stub this ye ... more


Cindy McMahan   October 9, 2012 at 6:39pm

Stumptown Club Meeting Thursday July 26th 7pm

Come join us for the Stumptown Club meeting Thursday October 25th 7pm at the Next Adventure Paddle Center located at 704 SE Washington Ave. Next Adventure will have pizza & beer or soda for all who attend. Also there will be two Next Adventure gift certificates that will be raffled off. All current members in attendance are eligible to win. Don't forget to come early and stop by the store to shop with your club discount.

We will be taking renewals and new memberships at the meeting f ... more


Cindy McMahan   August 23, 2012 at 10:10pm

Clean Up Stub Stewart State Park Part 3

Clean Up Stub Stewart State Park Part 3, Sat Aug 25th 9 am @ Hilltop Day Use Area

This weekend Jeff Mittl will be leading a work party at Stub Stewart State Park.

The team will be working on some Building tasks near holes, 9 10 & 11.

The green of hole 9 needs to be finished with the stairs and platform work to level out the greens.

Hole 10 needs the platform behind the tee box built to allow for a run up on that tee shot.

Hole 10's fairway needs the tiered stairs up ... more


Cindy McMahan   August 14, 2012 at 9:48pm

Grand Opening - Blue Lake Park

From Stumptown President Jeff Hagerty:

Well folks...

This is it. The grand opening for the disc golf course at Blue Lake Park is tomorrow 8/15 at 11:00am.

If possible, come on out and join us as we cut the ribbon and open the course up for play. If you can't make it tomorrow, come on by when you can and enjoy the fruit of many, many hours of hard work.

On behalf of Stumptown Disc Golf and Next Adventure, I would like to thank the following people for hours and hours of hard ... more


Michael Phillips   August 10, 2012 at 6:03am

Stub Stewart Work Party Reminder, Saturday Aug 11th

Hey Everybody,

This is a last reminder that we need your help this Saturday out at Stub Stewart State Park to get the course in tip-top shape. If you can spare 1 hour before you enjoy a round of golf on the 18 hole course that's great. Please bring a set of gloves and a smile. We hope to have the course all cleaned up by the end of summer and ready for Fall Play.


Michael Phillips   August 4, 2012 at 9:05pm

Work Party Stub Stewart State Park, Saturday Aug 11th

We are meeting in the Hilltop Day use parking lot at 9am and we will be cleaning up the walkout of hole 11, 13's fairway, and the green are of hole 7. You need to bring Gloves to protect those hands. Also its a good idea to wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt, but bring shorts and a tee to change into after the work is done and its time to play. I will provide some refreshments but its always a good idea to bring your own water and snacks. Hopefully soon we will be able to host the first tournament at this course.


Cindy McMahan   August 4, 2012 at 1:52am

Canyon & Highland Closed Durring Tournament 8/4 8/5

FYI the canyon course will be closed August 4th & 5th for the 2012 Chick Flick from 8:30am to 5pm, and will be open in the evenings both days. The Highland will be closed Saturday afternoon from 1pm to 4pm, and the Highland will be closed Saturday from 8am to 5pm. The Meadow Ridge course will be open all weekend.


Cindy McMahan   July 1, 2012 at 12:58am

Stumptown Club Meeting

Come join us for the Stumptown Club meeting Thursday July 26th 7pm at the Next Adventure warehouse located at 326 SE Division Place. Next Adventure will have pizza & beer or soda for all who attend. Also there will be two Next Adventure gift certificates that will be raffled off. All current members in attendance are eligible to win. Don't forget to come early and stop by the store to shop with your club discount.

If you have not renewed your 2012 Stumptown Club membership you will ... more


Cindy McMahan   June 27, 2012 at 6:30pm

Blue Lake Park Work Party! Saturday June 30th, 2012 @ 10:00am

From Stumptown President Jeff Hagerty:

Yes Folks,

It is work party time again. If you are interested in being a part of the creation of Blue Lake Park come on out on Saturday, June 30th at 10:00am. Next Adventure and Stumptown Disc Golf will have a set crew working on the new tee pads and everyone else will be working on clearing brush off some fairways.

If you are interested in helping out, please bring gloves, had tools and a lot of energy! No power tools will be allowed. Our objecti ... more


Cindy McMahan   May 22, 2012 at 7:26pm

Letter From the President of Stumptown Disc Golf Club

From Stumptown President Jeff Hagerty:

Hello Everyone,

This letter is long overdue, but we wanted to give everyone something of a "State of the Union".

It has been a busy year for Stumptown Disc Golf. Many of our projects have come to fruition and we have more in the works.

Here are a few of the projects Stumptown Disc Golf has been involved with:

Lunchtime Disc Golf Course: Working in conjunction with Disc Golf or Die, we ran the Stumptown Slosh Series this winter as ... more


Cindy McMahan   May 16, 2012 at 6:15pm

Blue Lake Park Work Party! Saturday May,19th, 2012 @ 10:00am

Well folks... Many of you have told me you'd like help with the installation of Blue Lake Park. Well... now is the time. This Saturday, May 19th, 2012 at 10:00am we have a number of important tasks to get completed. Not only will we be pouring the first few tee pads, but we will also be clearing some of the more overgrown holes.

We will have some tools available, but if you have some available to you, it would be extremely helpful if you could bring some as well. The main tools we wi ... more


Cindy McMahan   May 8, 2012 at 4:52am

Canyon Course Closed Saturday May 12th

The Canyon course at Horning's Hideout will be closed for The Click Flick Women's Global Event all day on Saturday May 12th


Cindy McMahan   May 5, 2012 at 3:03am

Work party cancelled

From Stumptown President Jeff Hagerty:

The parks department has requested that the work party scheduled for Blule Lake this Saturday May 5th be re-scheduled for a later date. Stay tuned for more details to follow. Sorry for the any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you everyone for being so patient.


Jeff Hagerty   May 4, 2012 at 4:10am

Work Party at Blue Lake Park This Saturday, May 5th

Well folks... I have had tons of people tell me they want to help with the installation of Blue Lake Park. Well... now is the time to put your money where your mouth is. This Saturday, May 5th 2012 at 10:00am Tyler Christensen & Carl Thorne will be supervising a work party in preparation for the upcoming pouring of the first six tee pads. The main tasks at hand will be the preparation of the tee pad areas and the clearing of a few of the more overgrown holes.

Tyler & Carl will have a ... more


Cindy McMahan   February 21, 2012 at 12:07pm

Stumptown Club Meeting

Come join us for the first Stumptown Club meeting of 2012 Thursday March 1st at 7pm at the Next Adventure warehouse located at 326 SE Division Place. Next Adventure will have pizza & beer or soda for all who attend. Don't forget to come early and stop by the store to shop with your club discount.

If you have not renewed your 2012 Stumptown Club membership you will be able to do so at the meeting.

Club business will include: Upcoming events, Tournament Updates, Course Updates, Vo ... more


Cindy McMahan   February 2, 2012 at 4:42pm

Stumptown Slosh Series #4 - "The Finale" @ Lunchtime Disc Golf Course

Letts go out with a bang @ Lunchtime with it's first ever PDGA sanctioned event! Saturday February 18th.

TD: Dan Brown / Jeff Hagerty

Stumptown Disc Golf is pleased to announce the final Slosh event for the season. Stumptown Slosh events are inexpensive, one-day PDGA Sanctioned C-Tier events aimed at giving players of all skill levels a chance to compete during the winter months. Slosh events also give our club an excellent means of showing the ropes to new tournament directors want ... more


Cindy McMahan   January 31, 2012 at 2:47am

Pier Park Work Party - Saturday, February 4th (This Saturday!)

Portland Public Parks and Stumptown Disc Golf will be out at Pier Park on Saturday to installing 4 new teepads for the winter course layout. We will also be cleaning up a some of the fallen limbs from this latest storm.

When we're done we will be dropping baskets into the new pin positions and playing the first rounds on the new layout. It should be fun, so please come on out and help out.

Please show up around 9:00am at Hole 1. Thanks.



Cindy McMahan   January 22, 2012 at 4:10am

Stumptown 2012 Bag Tags @ Slosh

We will have the 2012 Stumptown bag tags for sale Sunday morning at the Slosh. You must me a member to purchase the bag tags. A Stumptown membership is $10 & the bag tags are also $10. We will also be taking renewals & new memberships Sunday morning. They are pretty sweet this year metal with leather straps. #1 - #10 are gold & #11 - #100 are silver. We will be making a list of those who have purchased tags in the morning, and the lowest score for the two rounds will get tag #1.


Cindy McMahan   January 13, 2012 at 12:56am

Stumptown Slosh #3 Dabney State Park Sunday January 22nd

Just a friendly reminder to EVERYONE! You MUST renew your PDGA membership by the time of this event, or you will have to pay the $10 non-member fee during check-in.

This is not optional. If we let you play without being current with the PDGA, we are on the hook for that $10. So PLEASE avoid putting us in an awkward position, and just renew your memberships ahead of time!!!

Also remember Stumptown Club members get $5 off PDGA new memberships & renewals. In addition to a 15% discount ... more


Cindy McMahan   January 10, 2012 at 3:01am

Stumptown Slosh #3 Dabney State Park Sunday January 22nd



Cindy McMahan   January 9, 2012 at 10:31pm

Stumptown Slosh #3 Dabney State Park Sunday January 22nd

Only 8 spots left, so if you want to play then you better hurry up and get signed up!!


Cindy McMahan   January 5, 2012 at 10:54pm

Stumptown's Slosh #3 Almost Half Full

If you want to play in the Slosh #3 at Dabney on Sunday 1/22 you better get signed up soon because it is already about half full!


Cindy McMahan   January 4, 2012 at 10:32pm

Stumptown Slosh #3 Dabney State Park Sunday January 22nd

Is everyone ready for another Slosh event?

Stumptown Club member Ashley Petersen will be the TD for this event.

Stumptown Slosh events are inexpensive, one-day PDGA Sanctioned C-Tier events aimed at giving players of all skill levels a chance o compete during the winter months. Slosh events also give our club an excellent means of showing the ropes to new potential tournament directors wanting to learn how to run sanctioned tournaments.

Register for the event here:
http://www.4disc ... more


Cindy McMahan   December 6, 2011 at 6:13am

Stumptown Slosh Series Payout - Where The Money Goes?

Once again news has gotten back to me about someone spreading outright lies about our events.

Sadly, it always seems to be the same people, but what really kills me is that I'm not sure if these people are intentionally spewing lies, or if they are just painfully misinformed and too lazy to get the facts straight. In any case I am here, once again, to lay everything right out on the table for the world to see.

Here are a few constants. (ie: these do not change, regardless of the eve ... more


Cindy McMahan   December 1, 2011 at 5:58am

Stumptown Christmas Party Friday December 16th

We would like to announce the 2011 Stumptown Christmas party Friday evening December 16th at Next Adventure's warehouse. This party is open to all current Stumptown members and all members are welcome to bring one guest. Also, if you have been on the fence about joining Stumptown, come on down and join for 2012 and enjoy the party on us! Also we will be taking 2012 renewals at the party.

The party will be Friday December 16th 6:30 to 10:00pm at Next Adventure's warehouse, 326 SE D ... more


Cindy McMahan   November 23, 2011 at 9:09pm

Stumptown Christmas Party Friday December 16th

We would like to announce the 2011 Stumptown Christmas party Friday evening December 16th at Next Adventure's warehouse. This party is open to all current Stumptown members and all members are welcome to bring one guest. Also, if you have been on the fence about joining Stumptown, come on down and join for 2012 and enjoy the party on us!

Many details are still being finalized, but Stumptown will be providing pizza and soda. We are planning lots of fun activities, so stay tuned for furthe ... more


Cindy McMahan   October 19, 2011 at 6:24pm

Down and Dirty Work Party at Pier Park - Thursday 10/20 @ 4:30pm-6:30p

We have some material left over from the path we built from the short position on Hole 11 to Hole 12s tee, and rather than move all that gravel we would like to use it to build another path from the short position on Hole 11 to Hole 12s tee.

If you have a couple of hours and can help at all we can really use the help. Its not a big task, but we plan to have it completed within a couple of hours.


Jeff Hagerty   October 13, 2011 at 9:04pm

Registration for Stumptown Slosh #1 is OPEN

Also, if you are interested in kicking down a few additional bucks towards the Lunchtime Basket Fund we have made an option available during registration that will allow you to do exactly that!


Jeff Hagerty   October 13, 2011 at 6:26pm

Pier Park Work Party Reminder

Just a little reminder that we will once again be out at Pier Park at 9:00am on Saturday at the request of Portland Public Parks.

In case you haven't noticed, the parks department has been very proactive with the Stumptown disc golf lately. It would be awesome to show them exactly how much we can get done when we all work together, so please come out and help us improve Pier Park.

Jeff H


Cindy McMahan   October 6, 2011 at 9:34pm

Stumptown Slosh Series 2011-2012

Stumptown Disc Golf is pleased to announce another winter of Slosh events for everyone to enjoy. As many of you already know the Stumptown Slosh series are one-day PDGA sanctioned C-Tier events the club uses to help mentor members who want to try their hand running PDGA sanctioned events. We would like to thank these individuals for stepping up this year.

Sunday, November 13th, 2011 - North Bonneville - Justin Gross
Saturday, December 17th, 2011 - TBA - Emma-Rose & Garry Hanl ... more


Cindy McMahan   September 30, 2011 at 8:16pm

Stub Stewart Work Party - Sunday, Oct 9th @ 9am

Stumptown Disc Golf & Oregon State Parks are planning a work party out at Stub Stewart State Park on Sunday, Oct 9th @ 9am. We plan on working from 9:30am to about 2:00 then playing a round of golf.

The course at Stub Stewart has a ton of potential and the only way we're going to see it reach that potential is by busting our butts to get it cleaned up. So... if you are interested in helping out, we would love to have some help out there.

Thanks and I hope to see you there.


Cindy McMahan   September 30, 2011 at 8:15pm

Stumptown Meeting

We had 28 attend last nights Stumptown club meeting at the Next Adventure warehouse. Thank you to Next Adventure and Bryan Knudsen for hosting our meeting at the warehouse, and providing us with lots of yummy pizza, soda & beer. Also congratulations to club members Scott Hill & Jason Pinkal winners of the members raffle a $50 Next Adventure gift certificate.


Cindy McMahan   September 24, 2011 at 6:40pm

Milo closed this weekend for a non disc golf event.

FYI the Milo disc golf course will be closed September 22-26, for the 2011: NWCWC Civil War Re-Enactment; the course will re-open the afternoon of September 27th.


Cindy McMahan   September 7, 2011 at 4:53am

Stumptown September Club Meeting 9/29 @ 7pm!

Come join us for the September Stumptown Club meeting Thursday September 29th at 7pm at the Next Adventure warehous located at 326 SE Divison Place, and possibly win a $50 Next Adventure girt certificate. Next Adventure has graciously offered two $50 gift certificates for current 2011 club members to possibly win at the meeting. All current Stumptown members who are in attendance will be eligible to win. The drawing will be held at the conclusion of the meeting. Also Next Adventure will have piz ... more


Cindy McMahan   July 22, 2011 at 9:38pm

Stumptown Summer Bag Tag Bash & BSF Volunteer Party

Hey all.... Stumptown has purchased enough food for approximately 80 people. We expect to have plenty of food, but be forewarned... lunch will be first come, first served. When the fridge is empty... the fridge is empty. We will have a check in list going to make sure people who show up first, get their name in the hat for lunch first.


Cindy McMahan   July 21, 2011 at 9:36am

Stumptown Summer Bag Tag Bash & BSF Volunteer Party

Saturday July 23rd at Stub Stewart Hilltop Day Use Area

Stumptown Disc Golf would like to invite all Stumptown members (past & present), family, friends and potential members to the 1st Annual Summertime Bag Tag Bash. We will be holding two different bag tag rounds, a bar-b-que lunch and a BSF Volunteer Raffle.

We will also be celebrating all of the volunteers who stepped up to help out at the Beaver State Fling. The event turned out wonderfully and it is all due to our awesome cre ... more


Cindy McMahan   July 13, 2011 at 6:08pm

2011 Chick Flick Registration Live at the Stumptown Store

Registration for the 2011 Chick Flick is live at the Stumptown store. We need to order the shirts for the players pack early next week, so if you want to ensure that you receive a really awesome high performance shirt in your players pack you need to get registered soon. Also if anyone plans to attend as a guest/caddie it would be a big help if they pre-registered. The guest caddie registration is just $15, and includes camping Friday & Sunday, day use fee Saturday & Sunday, lunch Satu ... more


Cindy McMahan   July 6, 2011 at 7:44pm

Stumptown Summer Bag Tag Bash & BSF Volunteer Party

Sat July 23rd at Stub Stewart Hilltop Day Use Area

Stumptown Disc Golf would like to invite all Stumptown members (past & present), family, friends and potential members to the 1st Annual Summertime Bag Tag Bash. We will be holding two different bag tag rounds, a bar-b-que lunch and a BSF Volunteer Raffle.

We will also be celebrating all of the volunteers who stepped up to help out at the Beaver State Fling. The event turned out wonderfully and it is all due to our awesome crew of vol ... more


Cindy McMahan   June 23, 2011 at 7:41pm

2011 BSF Spectator Guide

Come on out and watch some of the best disc golfers in the world compete in the Beaver State Fling at Milo McIver state park this weekend.!/media/set/?set=a.1992605068780.110577.1653012947


Cindy McMahan   June 19, 2011 at 2:35am

Work Party @ Milo Rescheduled

Work Party Rescheduled...

The chips were not delivered on time! Monday about 5pm if anyone is available to help spread the chips. I'm estimating 2 hours worth of work to complete this task...

If anyone can make it...hole 1 of 27 at 5pm on Monday!
Bring gloves!

Thank you!
Co-TD 2011 BSF


Cindy McMahan   June 16, 2011 at 10:07pm

Work party @ Milo Sunday 19th

Tee off for the Beaver State Fling is quickly approaching!! Part of our final push in getting Milo McIver's 2 Riverbend courses ready is the spreading of chips throughout the course.

I'd like to request the help of our local disc golf community in helping out with these tasks...

BSF Work Party
Milo McIver S.P.
Sunday June 19th
11 am at Hole 1 of 27

Consider coming out on Sunday to help support the Beaver State Fling and Milo McIver! No tools needed, but bring gloves.

Jeff Mittl
2011 BSF Co-TD


Cindy McMahan   June 14, 2011 at 10:12am

Disc Golf Clinics @ Orchard Park

Stumptown club members Garry & Emma Hanely are teaching two series of disc golf classes this summer for Hillsboro Parks and Rec at Orchard Park. One class is for teens and adults, and one is for families. Both classes are for beginners and intermediate/recreational players. Folks can sign up for one or more classes. Here are the details:

Disc Golf Clinic
Dates: 6/29, 7/6, 7/20
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7-8:30pm
Fee: $10 Hillsboro resident
$15 non-resident

Disc Golf Family Fun
... more


Cindy McMahan   June 3, 2011 at 7:11am

State Parks Day @ Stub Stewart June 4th

for those of you who are not playing the Chick Flick Dubs or heading out to Horning's for the Wandering Pea****or just love free stuff, you should check this out:

State Parks Day at Stub Stewart June 4

Hey everyone,

Free day admission and camping at Stub on this Saturday, June 4th. I'll have a table there representing disc golfers and Stumptown. So, if you need a good excuse to golf this course, or if you helped build the course and would like to show it off to others, this ... more


Cindy McMahan   May 14, 2011 at 9:32pm

Stumptown Club Meeting - 7:30pm Thursday, May 26th

Come join us for May’s Stumptown Club meeting at Next Adventure's new warehouse at 326 SE Divsion Place. Come early, and play a round of mini golf. Next Adventure will be setting up a 9 hole mini golf course inside their warehouse for club member to play before the meeting. The course will be set up at 6:00pm, and the meeting will start at 7:30pm. There will be prizes available to win. Come early, and don’t forget your favorite mini disc.

Next Ad... ... more


Cindy McMahan   March 26, 2011 at 4:57am

Stumptown Club Meeting - 7:30pm Thursday, March 31

Come join us for the March Stumptown meeting, and possibly win a $50 Next Adventure girt certificate. Next Adventure has graciously offered two $50 gift certificates for current 2011 club members to possibly win at Thursday's meeting. All current Stumptown members who are in attendance will be eligible to win. The drawing will be held at the conclusion of the meeting. Also Next Adventure will have pizza & beer or soda for all who attend. Don't forget to come early and shop wit ... more


Cindy McMahan   March 8, 2011 at 12:38am

Stumptown Work Party at Pier Park on Saturday, March 12th

Hello Everyone,

It is time for some "almost" spring cleaning at Pier Park. Portland Public Parks has some work mapped out for us and we would love to see as many people out there as we can.
The plan at this point is to start work at 9:00am and work until around 1:00pm at which point Stumptown will be supplying all workers with a free lunch.

After Lunch we'll be having a bag tag round for anyone who has a 2011 Stumptown Bag Tag. (including our Chick Flick bag tag holde ... more


Cindy McMahan   February 11, 2011 at 2:04am

Don't forget about the Stumptown meeting tonight

Don't forget about the February Stumptown meeting tonight Thursday February 10th at 7:30 p.m. at Next Adventure. Club business will include: Tournament Updates, Course Updates, Volunteer opportunities and more. Come early so you can shop with your club discount.

Thanks again to Next Adventure for allowing us to use your store for our club meetings.


Eric Langsam   February 9, 2011 at 8:53am

It is Time to Bag Tag!!

After a slight delay, the 2011 Stumptown Bag Tag League is up and running. The time is upon us to up the anti of your regular friendly game and put up some real stakes. Better yet, if you compete in weekly or monthly tournaments, you can not only come away with a victory, but triumph and take home the lowest tag of your competitors. Bask in the glory of Stumptown stardom as you work your way to the top of the bag tag league. Lets not forget that they also look awesome on your bag and show y ... more


Cindy McMahan   February 3, 2011 at 10:11pm

February Club Meeting

The February meeting will be Thursday February 10th at 7:30 p.m. at Next Adventure. Club business will include: Tournament Updates, Course Updates, Volunteer opportunities and more. Come early so you can shop with your club discount.

Thanks again to Next Adventure for allowing us to use your store for our club meetings.


Ryan Gwillim   November 15, 2010 at 8:59am

Stub Work Party Fotos...

Fotos from the November 14th work party are up!

Thanks to everyone that showed up! The course is continuing to look better and better every time we're out there!


Steve Carson   July 31, 2010 at 8:47pm

Work Party August 1st

L.L. Stub Stewart State Park 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Lunch provided!

Once the work is done we will place the baskets in the front 9 holes and give everyone a chance to play. The baskets will be removed at the end of the day.


Steve Carson   June 10, 2010 at 4:00am

June Club Meeting

The June meeting will be Tuesday June 15th at 7:30 p.m. at Next Adventure. Rumor has it that the full color Rose City Open Fundraiser discs will go on sale before the meeting. There are only 25 of these this year, so be sure to get there early if you want one.

Club business will include: Tournament Updates, Course Updates, Volunteer opportunities and more.


Steve Carson   May 25, 2010 at 6:45am

Beaver State Fling - News

Less than a week to go. Don't miss the "Meet the Legends" event at Next Adventure on Wednesday!


Steve Carson   February 27, 2010 at 12:31am

2010 Membership Renewal!

Have you renewed or joined Stumptown Disc Golf for 2010

Membership in Stumptown Disc Golf only costs you $10 per year. So far this year over 100 of you have renewed or joined. However, that leaves over 200 members that have not renewed and another 100 friends of Stumptown Disc Golf that are on this mailing list, but haven't joined the club. If everyone paid their 2010 dues we would have over $4,000 from membership fees to promote disc golf in the Portland metro area.

Read full article:


Steve Carson   December 9, 2009 at 8:33am

End of the year Party!

We are celebrating the end of the year with a party!

Bring a plate of cookies or holiday snacks to share along with a wrapped gift and a putter and you'll be set to enjoy the evening. We'll have a basket setup for a putting contest and several Wii's hooked up to projectors for playing Tiger Woods or Resort disc golf. Our annual Yankee Disc Swap will wrap up the evening. We will follow Stumptown Rules for the gift exchange and you can bring a disc to exchange or another disc gol ... more


Ryan Gwillim   November 19, 2009 at 12:51am

Slosh #1 - Nanook Open

Winter is here, and with it's arrival, the Slosh Series is back!

Stumptown Disc Golf is proud to announce the first of 4 winter sanctioned events, the Nanook Open. The Nanook Open will be played at Timber Park, in Estacada, on December 19th. The cost will be $35 for all participants, regardless of division*. Last year at Timber we actually got to finish golfing in about 6 inches of snow, and everyone had a blast! We can't promise snow this year, but we're confident it will ... more


Steve Carson   November 9, 2009 at 8:31pm

November Meeting This Thursday

This month's meeting will be the first of a new format for our monthly meetings. We will start with several reports on the status of the club and upcoming tournaments and then proceed with the main event of the night. This month the main event is...


How well do you know the rules of disc golf? It's game time with the rules. We will present a variety of scenarios and your assigned group will be asked to choose the correct result. The goal of the event is to cha ... more


Steve Carson   May 13, 2009 at 6:22am

May Meeting Thursday

Thursday, May 14 7:00pm – 8:30pm
The Old Market Pub & Brewery, 6959 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, OR 97223


Steve Carson   April 4, 2009 at 4:50am

Disc Golf Clinic coming to Leverich Park April 18th

Those of you looking to improve your game be sure to check out the Disc Golf Clinics.


Steve Carson   March 21, 2009 at 3:31am

Next club meeting...

April 14th, Tuesday
Next Adventure
7:30 p.m.


Steve Carson   February 25, 2009 at 10:48pm

Next Club Meeting

March 12th, 2009
Madison's Grill
1109 SE Madison
7:00 p.m.


Ryan Gwillim   February 23, 2009 at 12:01am

Wash Slosh Fotos are up...

Go to the URL below to view...



Steve Carson   February 18, 2009 at 11:22pm

Thank You

Awesome job at the work party! We placed 6 new anchors, repaired all the tees and cleaned up some nasty trash around the park. Thanks to all that made it out for the work party!

I think the new doubles record at Leverich was set at -8 this weekend. I'm surprised it wasn't lower, but personally found it challenging on Saturday to hit birdies. Maybe next time there is a doubles event we can hit double digit sub-par scores.


Steve Carson   February 11, 2009 at 9:38pm

Work Party Saturday

February 14th, 9 a.m. to noon, followed by lunch and for those that want to stick around, a doubles challenge. We will be preparing Leverich Park for the tournament on the 21st and will be installing 6 anchors for alternate basket placements, distributing gravel on most of the tee pads and cleaning up trash around the park.

Bring shovels, post hole diggers, 5 gallon buckets, wheel barrows, garbage bags.


Steve Carson   February 9, 2009 at 10:17pm

February Meeting Notice

The February Stumptown Disc Golf meeting will be held at Next Adventure on Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. We will be discussing the goals for the club for the coming year, so please plan to attend if you are at all interested in making this year the best ever for disc golf in the Portland metro area!


Steve Carson   January 11, 2009 at 5:49am

Annual Meeting Notes

At the Annual Meeting in January the following members were elected to board positions for 2009.

Steve Carson - President
Bob Cabal - Vice President
Ryan Gwillim - Treasurer
Carie Coleman - Secretary
Brian Heath - Membership


Steve Carson   September 20, 2008 at 11:29pm

October Meeting

You won't want to miss the October meeting at Next Adventure on Tuesday the 14th. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. and will include the usual news and business followed by a mini-disc golf tournament. 9 holes within Next Adventure!

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