Niagara Region Disc Golf (NRDG)
Est. 1990

Club Staff

Home courses

Lewiston, NY

Grand Island, NY

Orchard Park, NY
Recent News
John Mikulec
July 21, 2010 at 8:42am
Week # 15 coming up aready !!!
It's hard to believe that we are entering week 15 already. Our league is growing faster each week.
NRDG is now working on the fundraising for one of two new courses that will be going in the ground by this October. Lots of work ahead.
The 1st new course is going to be at Ellicott Creek Park on Niagara Falls Blvd in Amherst, NY.with the course being more beginner friendly with only two sets of tee's.
The 2nd course is going to be at Chestnut ridge park in Orchard Park, Ny. wh ...
Ellicott Creek Park Work Day Saturday November 13th 2010 9AM
The long awaited ground breaking day at Ellicott Creek Park is upon us! We will be commencing work this upcoming Saturday at 9am. We will be meeting at the parking lot in the back of the park that we will be using for our parking lot when the course is complete.,-78.831668 &sspn=0.001879,0.004227&ie=UTF8&ll=43.021047,-78.832397&spn=0.001879,0.004227&t=h&z=1 8
We are loo ... more
The long awaited ground breaking day at Ellicott Creek Park is upon us! We will be commencing work this upcoming Saturday at 9am. We will be meeting at the parking lot in the back of the park that we will be using for our parking lot when the course is complete.,-78.831668 &sspn=0.001879,0.004227&ie=UTF8&ll=43.021047,-78.832397&spn=0.001879,0.004227&t=h&z=1 8
We are looking for any and all volunteers to assist in numerous tasks that day. We anticipate digging all of the holes for the ground sleeves and tee sign posts, concreting said sleeves, as well as setting tee bricks, and doing a small amount of light clearing on hole 18. We are looking for any person who is able to help with either a body, a tool, a truck, and or food. As working usually ends with appitite. We will need people who have trucks and are available to pick up bags of concrete. Tools that may come in handy are loppers, rakes, shovels, Wheelbarrows, levels, and the like.
Once again if you are available and have any of the things that will help us on that day please post here. If we have a decent turn out we may be able to complete most of the project on Saturday. Those that are not available on Saturday but may be on Sunday please keep the date open and let us know, as we may finish anything left uncompleted on Sunday. Look for updates on Saturday night for further details as to that Sunday.