Ann Arbor Area Disc Induced Sports Club
Club News
Paul "GROOT" Feeny July 1, 2019 at 1:54am
A3Disc Leagues
Hey all,
It's been a great summer so far and our Wednesday Hudson Mills League now has one of the largest ACE POOLS in the state of Michigan!!
To celebrate, and for this week only, A3Disc will be matching all ACE POOL entries ($$$ for $$$) on Wednesday, July 3rd. All league rules still apply, so refer to the League Page for details.
Also, for anyone interested in volunteering at the Discraft Great Lakes Open, se ...
Paul "GROOT" Feeny June 9, 2019 at 12:44pm
AM NATS (Call for Spotters)
Hey all,
Brad Chartier is out at Kensington Metropark right now and reports that there is a severe shortage of spotters!
If you are free, head over to the park and volunteer at Tournament Central! Spotters receive 1 disc for every hour volunteered and DISCRAFT has some great new plastic!!
All best,
Paul "GROOT" Feeny April 6, 2019 at 7:20pm
A3Disc Membership
Hey all,
We had a fantastic showing at our No Foolin' Tournament!!
And we're hoping to see a big crowd at our Membership Opener at the ONE DISC CHALLENGE!
A big thanks to our lead sponsor --- CJ's Party Store and Disc Golf Paradise.
If you haven't already seen, CJ's Party Store is offering an exclusive 20% DISCOUNT for A3Disc Members during our 30th Anniversary. Sign up today!
Paul "GROOT" Feeny January 22, 2019 at 5:19am
30th Annual No Foolin' Tournament presented by DISCRAFT
Looking to get your MetroPark BagTag for 2019? Check out our registration page for the 30th Annual No Foolin' Tournament presented by DISCRAFT!!
We will be raffling off 30 MetroPark BAG TAGS during the tournament and these tickets are FREE with your player pack! The first 30 amateur players to register will also receive AN EXTRA RAFFLE TICKET.
John Reifschneider November 8, 2016 at 7:45am
William Gilbert Memorial Tournament
Please join us for a fun event, to help his family through this tough time, the community has donated a lot of merchandise to help make this event special and help raise money for his family please join us in a round to celebrate what Bill gave to the community.
Details and Reg:
John Reifschneider November 4, 2016 at 9:12pm
William Gilberts Memorial Round
The Family and Friends will like to invite everyone to please join us between 1-2pm on Sunday to celebrate Bill's Life he was lost to us suddenly on Thursday Morning in a fatal car accident. Bring your stories to share,a few beer so we can pour one out for Bill and your bag to throw a few holes with is family, the disc golf community.
We have plans to hold a Memorial Event for Bill he would have loved it, details will follow later this month.
Hudson Mills Metropark
R.I.P. Mr. sincerest condolences to family and friends! This is a great loss to the disc golf community! We all know that he would tell us to throw on...see you on the other side big brother!
jared wilson November 4, 2016 at 4:30pm
Memorial round
There will be a Memorial round for our friend Bill (KING Bastard) Gilbert at Hudson Mills. Tee off will be around 1pm / pregame will start at 10:30 come show your support ..........LLTK
Wow...When did this happen? He just posted a round on the 30th? I'm not trying to be nosy. Played with him a few times this summer. RIP Bill
John Reifschneider September 16, 2016 at 7:21pm
League Award will be this Sunday at Hudson Mills, 1pm we will have side games, food and beer for those who attend. Arrive early at 9am and join the bag tag league doubles fall league. Amazing Paracord Grenade Tags. This week is only week 2 so join us.
1pm - League Award
Cash game open to all to follow
John Reifschneider September 2, 2016 at 9:10am
Good luck at STATES
Congrats to A3 berth winners! May your disc fly straight this weekend, and every hole an ace run! Good luck team A3
John Reifschneider March 31, 2016 at 10:06pm
Jared Wilson wins the 2016 Entry to No Foolin
Winner of the No Foolin Points Series and 1 Free Entry into No Foolin 2016 is... Jared Wilson with 25 Points
John Reifschneider March 31, 2016 at 9:40pm
Sponsor a Hole (Open to discgolfers only at the discounted rate)
Currently 1/3 full on the event! Great to see all the early signups
We are offering to players or clubs an option to support No Foolin side game for a discounted sponsorship fee
Sponsor a hole on Monster for $25 (instead of $50) Monster will be the showcase course of the event being the gallery course for pros on Sunday.
Monster Hole will have its sign near the road (additional $10 fee)
Show your support for a pro or am player, advertise your leagues/club, or just show your support for ...
John Reifschneider March 12, 2016 at 2:01am
59 west Indoor putting League is coming to an end PARTY TUESDAY 3-15
We will have Chicken, Pasta, Potato & Veg possible salad we hope everyone will join us for this awards and we will have some fun games, some giveaway and prizes.
We will have a Raffle that will include some fun prizes and a Brand New INNOVA BASKET. Join Us Tuesday 3-15
John Reifschneider March 1, 2016 at 12:18am
Host Hotel for No Foolin is Holiday Inn Express on Zeeb Rd
Great Price $99.00 for 2 queen beds and 1 pullout
Must reserve your room by April 8th
King Rooms: 129.00
Get your Room for the event:
John Reifschneider January 28, 2016 at 9:02am
A-Tier No Foolin 2016 Reg Online
150% Am Payouts
$2000 added cash to pro purse
4 Course include Both Hudson Mills, Indy, Gulch (6 added holes)
April 22nd 23rd
Huge Murdered Out Player Pack
2 midnight cranks, Blacked out Polo, Blacked out Discraft Crank hat
Details on the links
John Reifschneider September 22, 2015 at 12:47am
2016 No Foolin Point Series - 27 years of No Foolin
Next Year 2016 No Foolin' will be A3s largest event in years
2016 will be the 27th year of No Foolin'
A3 has 4 event planned in this points series, winner of the points series will receive a free entrance into the 2016 No Foolin' Event. The will be 1 free entrance award, overall for the whole event.
In the event of a points tie, players will play holes in a sudden death at the final event, must be in attendance to compete.
overall points winner of each division will b ...
John Reifschneider September 12, 2015 at 1:59am
Jailbreak Tomorrow, B-tier $500 added Cash Innova Plastic
2 rounds 1 at Indy 1 and Gulch
Amazing Innova Player Pack included Shirt, mini and disc
120% to AM payouts
reg Closes at 9:00pm
John Reifschneider September 2, 2015 at 8:27pm
B-Tier Sept 12th Indy/Gulch
Join us for the Oasis Hookah Lounge JAILBREAK event Sept 12th $500 added cash to pros
Signup and check it out:
William Gilbert August 17, 2015 at 3:32pm
north territorial rd closed
Be advised north territorial will be closed starting Monday the 17th for 10 - 14 days for complete reconstruction from the intersection of webster church (the intersection CJ's is located on to past donovan or just past the curve. the construction ends before mast rd. this is the section going west from CJ's detour will be posted. leave earlier then normal and please stop by CJ's and help us during the time of reduced sales due to construction.
John Reifschneider July 24, 2015 at 9:36pm
Super event 1 week away and filling up fast only 150 spots
PLAYER PACK:2disc, shirt, baggage/bottle-opener, mini and 3 panel sticker
Prize: Disc, Bag and for the big winner... CHAINSTAR BASKET.
Side games, CTPs and just crazy fun all around!
Half Full and only 1 week away this ACE RACE will go down in history.
3 clubs working together to host Michigan 1st Ace Race.
It's a putter... A putter people!
This will be the first ever super event in Ann arbors disc golf area!
Join the 24 Chain, Outlaws and us for a full on club shootout!
John Reifschneider June 3, 2015 at 10:30pm
CJ's Open Cashless and Paid Reg is now available
Hudson Mills June 28th
Bring Your Own Partner Doubles
Paid Players get first call on disc and shirt sizes so signup early to hold your spot and disc, cashless details can be found on the details/about sections
John Reifschneider May 2, 2015 at 1:33am
Gulch cleanup... Want to help?
Course will be closed at 3:00 pm Saturday May 2nd (tomorrow) for course cleanup and repairs. If your able to give a helping hand join us or txt john 810.923.6751
John Reifschneider April 24, 2015 at 8:27pm
1 disc pre reg closes tonight
Reg closes tonight guys after that it's first come first served, reg will open for prepaid at 11:00 prepaid get first pick of disc those paying day of will be opened up after a majority of prepaid have checked in so be early for best pick of colors stamps and weights
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It's under the reg button but it closes at 12:00am Saturday early morning
John Reifschneider April 14, 2015 at 12:13am
1 Disc Challenge 2015 - announcement
1Disc Challenge ANNOUNCEMENT!!!
On the horizon is our signature event held 26 years our 1Disc Challenge
Huge player pack
1 Tournament Disc
1 Drifit Shirt
1 Mini
10% discount to CJs Disc Golf Paradise/Party Store
2015 A3 club membership
A unique disc that must be used for the event on every hole... A LIMITED EDITION Buzzz OS Z FLX only 175
Play for league points or a cash game
It's a true tournament this year with the optional $10 fee to compete for cash or just for points if you decide to play casual
John Reifschneider March 13, 2015 at 11:40pm
League Art Contest
Details can be found on our Facebook Page:
John Reifschneider October 13, 2014 at 6:55pm
2014 Mystic Mills
Cashless PreReg available, bonus item to playes who prepay for the event.
Sign up:
Golden pumpkin and the Meld are up for grab this year, best costume contest, glo disc PP, side games between rounds.
Follow the link for more details
John Reifschneider September 19, 2014 at 10:57pm
2014 Mystic Mills
Details and Signup:
2014 Mystic Mills
Presents Ghouls @ The Gulch
When: Saturday, October 25th
Where: Merrill Field The Gulch. Hamburg Mi
All Divisions: $25.00
Ace Pool: $2.00
Player Pack: Your Choice Of Glo-Discraft Disc (art is on the link)
Am Payout: $15.00/person
To win the Meld it is glo only, no tape, lights or diodes. We also ask you limit use of flashlights to charging the glow no ...
William Gilbert September 18, 2014 at 9:18pm
league awards approaching
League at hudson this year end on Wednesday October 1st. all score cards must be turned in that day as no late cards will be accepted, by 8PM or dusk whichever is earlier.
League awards are posted on the scene. Taking Place on Saturday October 4th i believe.
current leaders are as follows:
Nuke division:
1st place Kenny Sailler 113 points $26, not cashing but hanging in there is Steve Peck at 111 Points.
Crank Division:
1st place Rob Loechel 77.5 points $60
2nd place Mark Wiltse 77 poin ...
William Gilbert August 6, 2014 at 6:15pm
Lost and found pile
My complete list of lost and found discs are as follows. You must supply the written information to be able to get the disc back. name, phone#, Color, etc. 10 or so of these were found at CJ's event the rest have been a box with the club for a year or less.
Discraft's ESP Meteor, 2 Nuke SS, 2 Surge SS, Stalker, Mantis, Force, Crush, Flash, MRX. Innova's Starfire, 4 Katana, Spider, 2 Wraith, Mako, 2 Valkyrie. I also have a 2 D3's, Vision. a BG Championship disc and a di ...
checking on the ESP flash, white, tony R. 248*259*8244 ? Also missing an orange Z force with the same info but I don't remember where I left that one behind.
well all the discs were collected or taken at thrills at the mills a few weeks ago so the disc pile is gone.
John Reifschneider June 7, 2014 at 9:15pm
Support your local outlaw... Join Them for The Trilogy Challenge
Sign up for Trilogy Challenge closes Tuesday this week you must be pre reged to play in this event.
Great player pack from 3 great great companies who make some of the best plastics in the industry. Winners pack is 9 disc and an awesome bag along with a few more items.
Don't miss out;
John Reifschneider April 10, 2014 at 6:32am
Thank You Everyone for a Great No Foolin!
We would like to thank everyone who came out to the 25th annual No Foolin. This event would not have been possible without the help and support from so many clubs and people: 24 Chains, Club Kensington, Lost Disc Tribe, Fairway Outlaws, Mark Kruse, and Mark Ellis. It was so cool to see that many clubs and individuals come together and lend a hand.
We would also like to give a big thanks to all the staff that made it possible: George Roberts, Jesse Braidwood, Tim Ferris, Colin Scanlan, Bil ...
I still think next time we make people do the Soul Train down the merch canal.. Just my .02
AnnArborArea Disc March 19, 2014 at 11:21pm
No foolin 2014 25th annual
Today we received our 200 Clipboards, we got our 200 Towels, our minis are on the way, Crank shirts are ready at Discraft for Next week Pickup, Super Colors are being colored now hot stamps being stamped... We are just under 3 weeks away sign up now to reserve your Player Pack
We are really excited about the side games, we want it to feel like a carnival event not just a tournament so we are trying to make it a lot of fun that day and thank god the long term forcast says the weather might try to be favorable
John Reifschneider March 10, 2014 at 3:52am
No Foolin 2014 Fixed Reg - Sorry
I just noticed that i had checked the box in reg that limited signup to current PDGA members apologies that has been resolved
Reg is now open to ALL PLAYER PDGA or not apologies!
2014 No Foolin the 25th Anniversary Event 1989-2014
Hudson Mills Dexter Mi
18 berths will be distributed to the Open and largest divisions.
Original and Monster
188 max players
Saturday April 5th
TDs: Matt Roberts and John Reifschneider
- No Cashless Pre-reg -
**Fixed reg so all players can signup ...
Fun you asked we just got the email from them, they are working to get a staff member our there in the morning to sell lunch vouchers in the morning but once we know for sure i will post it on here
I beleive they are asking around $5/6 bucks for a sandwich or pizza and a drink but they will be doing this directly not through us we just are hoping to know for sure soon.
John Reifschneider February 16, 2014 at 2:48am
A3 B-tier women only event Pre Reg is now open
Follow the link for more details.
John Reifschneider January 11, 2014 at 2:46am
25th annual NO FOOLIN
Huge player Pack, seriously awesome
Dri weave Towel, 1 Hot stamp disc(no foolin stamp), 1 ESP Supercolor, 1 No Foolin Mini, acrylic clipboard, CRANK SHIRT(thank you Discraft), paid p2p covered.
188 slots available
2 rounds of 24 check out the event at
William Gilbert December 26, 2013 at 6:29pm
Disc Golf Sale at Cjs
Our Friend and yours, CJ's party store is running a sale check it out.
CJ’s Disc Golfing Year End Clearance!!!
20% off almost everything Disc Golf!
Friday December 27th,2013 – Monday December 30th 2013
Bags, Straps, Chairs, Discs, Dry weave Shirts (XL & 2XL only remaining), Towels, Hats, License Plates and frames, GLO Lites, UV & Blacklight flashlights, GLO tape, Mini’s, Golden Retrievers, Bottle Openers, Ript Revenge ca ...
William Gilbert December 23, 2013 at 7:21am
update on Merchandise options
1) for those of you who are interested in any Heisenberg Cranks, CJ's didn't get any nor did A3. I on the other bought a few i currently have 18 left. First come first served $20 each to me lol.
2) Additionally we are looking at ordering some plastic before winter warmer is up so here is your chance to request Discraft discs in the weight you would like. no huge rush we can't place the order till next year anyways.
3) We will be ordering some GLOW Zones from the MDGO which w ...
The Glo Zones won't be available til Feb 2nd and will be Available for $20 limited quantity. If you interested speak up before jan. 1st when the order must be completed.
John Reifschneider December 5, 2013 at 2:39am
Hoodies have arrived and they are beautiful
You can still buy one now for $25 if you did not preorder, those preordered they will be available for pickup at winter warmer on Dec. 15th
John Reifschneider October 30, 2013 at 8:32am
Mystic photos on our website
Checkout all these brave souls who stood the cool and rain and dark check out these photos:
AnnArborArea Disc October 25, 2013 at 5:16am
Mystic pre reg closes at 5:00pm tomorrow
Sign up cashless or 'paid in full' your call, 7 minis left for the first 20 people who paid in full. Awesome playerpacks big payout 125% payouts for all divisions, got free beer and some free pop, lunch available to those interested, a few crazy side games and glo-golf. We have some sweet lights for the baskets that will make glow even more enjoyable.
We will have lights, tape, and flashlights for sale.
We also arranged for the park to stay open later in case we need it, rememb ...
Matthew Roberts October 21, 2013 at 5:05am
The Gulch league will be cancelled for next Saturday (10/26) we will resume on 11/2.
AnnArborArea Disc October 20, 2013 at 9:27pm
8 minis left for mystic
If you prereg and pay in full you will recieve a matching super color mini, we have 8 left.
Join us for mystic free beer, free side games, awesome trophies, $23 per player payouts, super color disc with amazing art.
Also a costume contest, CTPs, Ace Pool.
Mystic Mills oct 26th
AnnArborArea Disc October 17, 2013 at 12:24am
Free beer, free side games, awesome trophies, great payout 125% to all divisions, and glo golf join us for mystic mills on Oct 26th
AnnArborArea Disc October 14, 2013 at 11:23pm
Brys Ace Race
They stand to set the record for most participation check it out!
AnnArborArea Disc October 12, 2013 at 7:21pm
20 likes away on Facebook to win a Buzzz GT
We are holding a 350 likes contest, the winner will receive a LE Z Buzzz GT, details can be found on our Facebook.
Also checkout upcoming mystic mills 125% payout to all divisions, Free Beer, Free side games, some amazing basket lights we are introducing this year and will be available for purchase at the event. 1 round Glo at night and 1 Round during the day, lots of fun bring a costume to win some prizes.
Open to everyone it's an awesome event sign up now:
Matthew Roberts October 7, 2013 at 5:56am
Free Beer at Mystic
There will be free beer for all Mystic Mills players 21 and up
John Reifschneider October 5, 2013 at 8:49pm
Buzzz GTs Limited Editions and Mystic Mills
We will have them for you to check out at the gulch league at 3:00 and at Winter Warmer #1
We got our GT Buzzz in Thursday they are some slick disc there like the crystals earlier this year but in Z plastic. Discraft limited there sale to MDGO clubs, so there are exclusive to Michigan and exclusive to MDGO clubs. There $20 each we got less than 80 to sell so limited number available.
Check out:
A3disc and Discraft present
Mystic Mills!
Cashless and online reg available.
We ...
Mika Perez October 4, 2013 at 2:29am
mystic mills supercolor
The mystic mills super color came in today, if you wanna check them out there is a picture on the mystic mills page!
John Reifschneider September 30, 2013 at 11:34pm
Beer (keg), Pop and Food at league awards.
We got a heck of a party planned for league awards with the coolest trophies we have done in years for league, join us for some free games, prizes, planning jimmy Johns for food but should be a blast, come out have some fun, all a3 members are welcome from all of our leagues.
You can find us at the pavilion behind hole 18 we should be setup out that ways.
Following the party Scott Sprow is getting a game together for a glow round.
Also you can pre reg for mystic to reserve your super colo ...
John Reifschneider September 30, 2013 at 5:56am
Dress up and play, expect some scares!
Matt's and my costume are almost done this will be cool, we have some plans to really decorate the place have a few scares out there planned on the course this will be an awesome event!
John Reifschneider September 25, 2013 at 11:43pm
Pre reg early! Mystic Mills first 20 get matching mini
By now most of you have seen the art on Mystics Super Color, Well we decided to get a limited run of super color minis as well.
So to the first 20 people who sign up and PAY your reg on mystic mills, will get a super color mini to match there super color disc.
The payout for this event will be huge for this event outside of every am getting a player pack we are paying out 125%. So please join us Saturday the 26th at Hudson mills. Payouts will be based on $23 per player. Meaning a divis ...
William Gilbert September 24, 2013 at 5:02pm
2013 league ending and awards
League ends next monday the 30th at lakeshore and wednesday the 25th at hudson all cards must be turned in by 8PM. Given to Bill for the rounds to count. League awards for both Lakeshore and Hudson will be Wednesday October 2nd starting about 4PM until 6PM or so. winners will be posted as soon as possible after league rounds are entered.
John Reifschneider September 19, 2013 at 7:22am
Brand New League Score Page
Jesse got the brand new page looking closer to done with the league scores check it out at to see your individual scores. This will be the same for the lakeshore league once it is done but this will replace our league score page completely and it is Awesome you should get a look
Matthew Roberts September 19, 2013 at 4:12am
Trail Week
We will be celebrating Trail Week this Saturday (9/21) from 9am to 1pm with Hamburg Township. We will have some of our merchandise and we will also be running a free clinic. We will be set up on the Lakeland Trail Between Hamburg pub and Hamburg Elementary with all the other vendors. So stop out and say Hi!!!!!!
John Reifschneider September 17, 2013 at 9:21am
League Standings
League Scores are posted on the its still rough as i throw it together while the new page is being built by Jesse, but it is looking really good and once that one is done it will be much easier to find and view scores, but for now i didn't want to leave you in the dark while the info was sitting on our page so i provided a few simple links to see your scores.
John Reifschneider September 10, 2013 at 10:22am
Mystic Mills Super Color
I wanted to share this pix the artist just sent me for mystics super color it's still a WIP but its gorgeous, this is the idea he is working from for the super color disc this year.
This is the updated WIP for the super color
John Reifschneider September 9, 2013 at 7:28pm
The Gulch Course work
We did some work on the course this weekend, cleaned up the dropzone of hole 14, mounted brooms to each tee that a3 donated to the course.
We will also be doing some course work Saturday before league sign up/First day at the doubles league.
John Reifschneider September 2, 2013 at 11:00pm
Mystic Mills 2013
Event Info:
well Mystic was misspelled on the flyer, but I'll be there!
John Reifschneider September 2, 2013 at 9:44pm
New League at the New Course in Hamburg -The Gulch Doubles Sat 14th
A3 Disc DOUBLES LEAGUE!!! The Gulch September 14th Sign Up Now
Starting Sept 14th 2013 Saturday at 4:00pm
One Time Fee $15
@ Merrill Park West - The Gulch $2 pay-to-play will be enforced.
The league will be managed by George Roberts, Matt Roberts and John Reifschneider.
Accepting Cashless Pre-reg Field will be limited to 72 players.
Player Pack for League Signup Includes:
1 Club Stamped Disc
1 Club Membership Card to A3disc which includes provided d ...
John Reifschneider August 19, 2013 at 10:04pm
The Gulch League - Doubles!
A3 is opening our first league at the gulch, join us sept 14 and post in the talk section to let us know you interested in signing up
More details to follow we are still building a list of rules and partner stuff we are speaking with a few clubs that run them should have a better idea later this week but not BYOP is all we know for sure currently
John Reifschneider August 19, 2013 at 9:37pm
Birthday classic BYOP doubles cashless Pre-Reg is now open
We are trying cashless prereg on birthday classic
Sign up Here:
Birthday classics art is amazing but the player pack is ground shaking all for $30!
Each player pack will be valued at least $60.00
(Player Pack optional for add. fee for OPEN Division)
2 tournament stamped disc of your choice (HUGE SELECTION including new crystal, ESP, z,x and D)
Then you pick ...
John Reifschneider August 15, 2013 at 7:03pm
Huge player pack worth $60+ for $30
Birthday classics art is amazing but the player pack is ground shaking all for $30!
Each player pack will be valued at least $60.00
(Player Pack optional for add. fee for OPEN Division)
2 tournament stamped disc of your choice (HUGE SELECTION including new crystal, ESP, z,x and D)
Then you pick 1 of the following: Another disc, a discraft hat, or a Dri-weave shirt.
1 - A3 can cozie
1 - A3disc limited edition window/car vinyl.
1 - Mini
Two rounds played; 18 holes on each course Monster and Original.
Best Disc Doubles Rules
John Reifschneider August 15, 2013 at 7:03pm
Huge player pack worth $60+ for $30
Birthday classics art is amazing but the player pack is ground shaking all for $30!
Each player pack will be valued at least $60.00
(Player Pack optional for add. fee for OPEN Division)
2 tournament stamped disc of your choice (HUGE SELECTION including new crystal, ESP, z,x and D)
Then you pick 1 of the following: Another disc, a discraft hat, or a Dri-weave shirt.
1 - A3 can cozie
1 - A3disc limited edition window/car vinyl.
1 - Mini
Two rounds played; 18 holes on each course Monster and Original.
Best Disc Doubles Rules
John Reifschneider August 14, 2013 at 9:00pm
Birthday Classic
Birthday classics got a brand new format this year BYOP bring your own partner.
We have amazing art for the event check it out:
Reg early to save your spot. Field is limited to 72 teams, we are doing a LARGE player pack
1 tournament stamped disc of your choice (HUGE SELECTION including new crystal, ESP, z,x and D)
Then you pick 2 of the f ...
William Gilbert August 8, 2013 at 4:13pm
upcoming events
Upcoming Events for A3disc and in the area
Sunday August 11th, 2013 at the hamburg township course, aka Merrill Fields, aka “The Gulch a Disccraft Ace Race. Sorry registration is full. We will have some 1st run Cranks and the new Discraft hats for sale all day there.
Saturday August 24th, 2013 at Hudson Mills Metropark is TADGA’s Thrills at the Mills a sanctioned event run by a great TD and fun for all.
Sunday August 25th, 2013 at Hudson Mills Metropark ...
John Reifschneider August 8, 2013 at 9:21am
Ace Race SUNDAY!
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up:
At the event we have been told by discraft we should have our order for the new plastics and cloth!
This mean we should have the NEW CRANK and the NEW BUZZZ HATS, and some newer FLX drones and FLX nukes also Ti Avegers and Ti Drones.
See ya out there we can accept Credit card at the event with our new square payment for merchandise purchase
John Reifschneider August 6, 2013 at 8:25pm
Just wanted to get the news out for this tournaments it's a great event one check it out:
John Reifschneider August 6, 2013 at 8:24pm
Just wanted to get the news out for this tournaments it's a great event one check it out:
John Reifschneider August 3, 2013 at 7:05am
In person discraft ace race pre-reg
Matt, Bill or Myself will be at the gulch all weekend on and off Matt and I should be out around 6 tonight if you want to pay in person and pre reg call me one of us can meet up with ya there I should be out there all 3 days 16 slots remain:
John Reifschneider August 3, 2013 at 7:05am
In person discraft ace race pre-reg
Matt, Bill or Myself will be at the gulch all weekend on and off Matt and I should be out around 6 tonight if you want to pay in person and pre reg call me one of us can meet up with ya there I should be out there all 3 days 16 slots remain:
William Gilbert July 27, 2013 at 3:37pm
Grand Opening of another new course
Sunday July 28th the opening of the Hamburg Twp. course (The course is on discgolfscene already. on Merrill road south of M36 in there sports complex. very unique course in the hilly terrain.
Also we are in need of the loan or gift of new or used discs for the clinics planned for all the new/potential disc golfers we expect at the mark ellis clinic which starts at 130PM using one of the adjacent soccer fields.
Free side games, free disc golf be one of the first to check out this new gem of a ...
William Gilbert July 23, 2013 at 8:16am
upcoming events
Upcoming for the club are the following items to note.
Sunday July 25th is the grand opening of our newest course almost completely built by the club. Hamburg Township called the “Gulch†it is on disc golf scene and more information can be found there, as well as A3’s facebook page.
Sunday August 11th a Discraft Ace Race at the aforementioned course, the “Gulchâ€
Details on disc golf scene and A3â&e ...
William Gilbert June 18, 2013 at 3:54am
summer solistice tourney
Is this Wednesday.
$10 to enter can be used as your league round as well.
No Player Pack obviously as the entry fee is to low. we will be paying above 100% to the AM's probably 125%.
Payouts will be pre pulled to speed up the payout portion of this event.
See the tournament on this site
William Gilbert May 29, 2013 at 3:00pm
10th Anniversary GLO Buzzzes
A3Disc had 40 10th anniversary Z GLO buzzzes to sell, we have 23 left as of this post available at league tonight for $25.00. first come first serve. no sales until i get to league. Only 1000 made and then sold to the MDGO clubs. fundraiser for DGLO. the 2 biggest differences between this disc and the 10th Anniversary buzzes released earlier is that they are GLO discs and they are backstamped with the DGLO stamp on the back.
William Gilbert May 12, 2013 at 7:49pm
Something for the Ladies out there
A3 is assisting in a Girls Night Out at the lakeshore course "the Ponds of Lakeshore" see the event posting on this site for more information.
This is a free clinic just for the women hosted by 2012 World Champion Sarah Hokom, also attending will be Ragna Bygde
The event is free to all the ladies
John Reifschneider April 26, 2013 at 8:22pm
Win 25 in merchandise in our Facebook contest
Just like our page:
Details are on our news feed but we want to reach 200 like help us get there, if we get 400 we will be giving away a $40 merch coupon... So like our page and help us reach 200 or better yet 400!
John Reifschneider April 26, 2013 at 8:22pm
Win 25 in merchandise in our Facebook contest
Just like our page:
Details are on our news feed but we want to reach 200 like help us get there, if we get 400 we will be giving away a $40 merch coupon... So like our page and help us reach 200 or better yet 400!
John Reifschneider April 11, 2013 at 9:34pm
Sign up early!
Is that time a year again LEAGUE kickoff, each year we hold a single disc event what this means is the whole round, every shot (drive, mid, and putt) all with one disc. The event is called 1-Disc Challenge.
With an awesome player pack
Dri-Fit shirt with club insignia
1 a3 club disc
1 event disc (TBA)
1 compartment mini
(2 minis that fit together)
1 A3 2013 club membership discount card
Join us in this unique tourament sign up is open
Now on Discgolf scene: http://dgs ...
John Reifschneider April 9, 2013 at 11:12pm
League starts soon
A3 league starts with our kick off event April 24th
Sign up now:
John Reifschneider April 8, 2013 at 6:24pm
A3 made the paper promoting disc golf
A3 is front page of the Livingston county press promoting Discgolf check it out...
John Reifschneider April 8, 2013 at 6:24pm
A3 made the paper promoting disc golf
A3 is front page of the Livingston county press promoting Discgolf check it out...
John Reifschneider April 8, 2013 at 6:24pm
A3 made the paper promoting disc golf
A3 is front page of the Livingston county press promoting Discgolf check it out...
John Reifschneider March 27, 2013 at 5:40am
No Foolin Baby!
We are getting excited about the upcoming Featured Event, have to thank all of you for your support you guys are why we love doing this, thank you all.
Follow us on Facebook for the event as we will be live blogging the event and the lead up to No Foolin' - Check our facebook for photos from our tournaments from years past photos are being added as fast as we can find time to get them up.
We also will be registering players for the upcoming League / 1 disc ...
William Gilbert January 15, 2013 at 4:48am
winter tournaments
So for those of you who may not be aware or don't know the details. A3 has been running a winter series of tournaments.
8 events at 8 different courses. event 5 at willow was yesterday. Event 6 is at cass on the 27th, Event 7 is at Kensington and the final event at Hudson mills.
The Corrigan Propane Winter Warmer Series has 8 events with a final 9 for the top 4 players in every division. CTP's at every tournament. We have been paying 130% to AM's and adding some cash for th ...
William Gilbert June 27, 2012 at 8:12am
brighton rec work days
Work days at Brighton Recreation course as follows please.
Thursday June 28th 330 – 530 PM
Saturday June 30th 330 - 530PM
Sunday 1130 – 5 PM
Can use any and all help.
Need the following type of assistance.
Somebody with a pickup truck to drive back onto the course and haul smaller limbs out to parking lot for removal.
Rakes to clean the fairways.
Weedwhips to clear the fairways
Handclippers, tree loppers, pole saws to work on smaller limbs a ...
William Gilbert June 22, 2012 at 8:22am
upcoming brighton rec work days
Work days at Brighton Recreation course as follows please.
Saturday June 23rd 330 – 530 PM and June 24th Sunday 1130 – 3 PM
Can use any and all help.
Need the following type of assistance.
Somebody with a pickup truck to drive back onto the course and haul smaller limbs out to parking lot for removal.
Rakes to clean the fairways.
Weedwhips to clear the fairways
Handclippers, tree loppers, pole saws to work on smaller limbs and higher limbs.
William Gilbert June 19, 2012 at 8:38am
upcoming league this wednesday
This Wednesday is summer solstice the 20th of June.
I also forgot to mention the DOUBLE POINTS IN THE DGLA MICPS since this is also your league round. Anybody not just current A3disc league members can receive the double points at this event. Actual current league member or not are allowed to participate in this event and get the league double MICPS points.
Ace pool
$10 entry fee for all divisions.
All divisions will be offered no matter how many are in it.
Bring your water for lea ...
Angel Gilbert June 1, 2012 at 8:13pm
Brighton Rec Work Day
Brighton Recreation Disc Golf Course next work day
Will be Sunday June 3rd starting about 10am till 2.
Please bring clippers, bush trimmers must be manual. No power tools are allowed. We can use battery operated sawzalls with supervision by eirich!
We need shovels and rakes brought as well.
William Gilbert May 25, 2012 at 7:41am
Brighton Rec work days
Tomorrow, Thursday from 3 - 6 PM
Saturday from 3 - 6 PM
Monday from 12 - 4 PM
Not working this sunday as some of us are playing in the thrills at the mills tournament at hudson.
William Gilbert May 5, 2012 at 9:17am
brighton recreation course continuing work days
this sunday the continuing work at the new brighton recreation course continues.
10AM till 2PM
contact me via phone if you have questions
734 649 8220
We need people to bring rakes, shovels and saws to cut root stumps (smaller one) below group to level the playing area.
hope to see you there
william gilbert
William Gilbert April 27, 2012 at 4:11am
Next brighton recreation work day
Brighton Recreation Disc Golf Course next work day
Will be Sunday April 29th starting about noon till 4.
Eirich kauserud will be leading this work day.
Please bring clippers, bush trimmers must be manual. No power tools are allowed. We can use battery operated sawzalls with supervision by eirich!
We need shovels and rakes brought as well. We will be working on leveling and clearing hole 1 and 2 as time and workers permit.
William Gilbert April 19, 2012 at 7:49am
Brighton Recreation work days upcoming schedule
We have resolved the work issues at the course and are back to work
please come out and help us if you can
this coming sunday the 22nd 10 - 2 ish
Sunday the 29th 12 - 4 ish
if you can come out or are thinking about it please let me know please.
we are way behind schedule and need help.
William Gilbert April 14, 2012 at 8:33am
brighton recreation area work day
Sunday the 15th work day has been cancelled by the park! People or persons are cutting trees down without approval.
To be resumed once we work out who and how to prevent this.
Maples and Oak are not to be touched.
olives undergrowth, thorn and pickers may be cleared but not trees!
more to follow.
William Gilbert April 9, 2012 at 10:34pm
New Brighton recreation area disc golf course work day
Next work day is scheduled for this coming sunday the 15th starting at 10AM till 4PM or so.
we will be working on bringing the piled brush out to the fairways for the brush hog to destroy and if time still permits we may work on clearing more roughage.
bring hand clippers, tree lopers and such.
We are allowed to use sawzalls, no chainsaws.
rakes and shovels could be useful as well.
hope to see you out there.
Contact william gilbert if you can make it out please.
William Gilbert March 19, 2012 at 12:01am
brighton recreation course
We really need help to make this course open on schedule, ground workers are needed please respond to me if you can or have an interest.
the front 9 fairways are cut via manual labor and brush hogging so far. The heavy underbrush needs to be cleared away from the fairways to make the horrible rough not jail on every hole.
the bank 15 is planned but no work will start over there until the front 9 is at fully playable level. this will be a 30 hole course with 6 short handicap accessible holes ...
William Gilbert February 17, 2012 at 7:52am
New Disc Golf Course workers needed
A3disc will be working with the State of Michigan to bring yet another course into our area.
Brighton Recreation Area! we have been given 200 acres a lot of which is in lakes but more then enough for a 24 hole course.
The first work day will be March 10, 2012 weather permitting. if you are willing to help with ground clearing on that date please respond to William Gilbert with your name and phone number please. The reason for requesting your phone number is in case the first work da ...
Tim Gacioch January 7, 2010 at 11:16pm
2010 Discraft Great Lakes Open Championship Series: Tentative Schedule
#1) Sunday, January 31 at BRATS and the Farmhouse
#2) Sunday, February 28 at Independence Lake
#3) Sunday, March 28 at Kensington's Black Locust
#4) Saturday, May 22 at Rolling Hills
#5) Sunday, June 20 at Hudson Mills
#6) Saturday and/or Sunday, July 10-11 at the Ponds at Lakeshore
A3DISC will be holding these six tournaments as fundraisers to add cash to the purse of the 2010 Discraft Great Lakes Open. Each event will cost $20 to enter, $5 of which will be added to the DGLO' ...
Maybe if it was like a normal league that pays out 50%, there are multiple other weds leagues with ace pools less than half as big but will pay out more at 50% compared to only 20% for anyone who hasn’t played the league yet
It'd be great to have you out there for 3 rounds! :) Always a fun chase, and our goal is always to have more players enjoying A3Disc events