Dave Roper

Utah, USA Righty - Backhand and forehand

Dave's videos

Markus Mika driving Solitude hole 18. 7/10/11
Markus Mika driving Solitude hole 18. 7/10/11
Dave Roper driving Solitude hole 17. 7/10/11
Dave Roper driving Solitude hole 17. 7/10/11
Sean Kelly driving Solitude hole 15. 7/10/11
Sean Kelly driving Solitude hole 15. 7/10/11
Markus Mika driving Solitude hole 10. 7/10/11
Markus Mika driving Solitude hole 10. 7/10/11
Sean Kelly putting Solitude hole 4. 7/10/11
Sean Kelly putting Solitude hole 4. 7/10/11
2011 Do or Die Doubles Vidoes.AVI
Big Jim throwing hole 17 at Riverpark during the "Do or Die Doubles"
2011 Do or Die Doubles Vidoes.AVI
Josh throwing hole 17 at Riverpark during the "Do or Die Doubles"
2011 Do or Die Doubles Vidoes.AVI
Brodey throwing hole 17 at Riverpark during the "Do or Die Doubles"
2011 Do or Die Doubles Vidoes.AVI
"The Chad" throwing hole 17 at Riverpark during the "Do or Die Doubles"
2011 Do or Die Doubles Vidoes.AVI
Rustin throwing hole 18 long at Riverpark during the "Do or Die Doubles"
2011 Do or Die Doubles Vidoes.AVI
Sven throwing over the train tracks on hole 18 long at Riverpark during the "Do or Die Doubles"
2011 Do or Die Doubles Vidoes.AVI
Brock parking hole 18 long at Riverpark during the "Do or Die Doubles"
2011 Do or Die Doubles Vidoes.AVI
Brock putting at Riverpark during the "Do or Die Doubles"
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